Korns new album

Originally posted by Dreamlord
If Totalrock is so good, then stay there.

I never said the word 'poser'.

The reason nu-crap is much-hated is because it tries to be something it is not. It is not metal

You are still close minded. You ASSUME that everything I listen to has grunt vocals and hasn't sold over 100 copies. Way to keep an open mind. You pigeonholed me.

I pigeonholed you, so what. I am a hypocrite, so what?? I never said you called me a poser, I said 'call me a poser if you want'

Accept it, nu metal is here, it will go away soon, I agree it is not metal, but moaning won't make it go away, are you trying to do better yourself??

Yes, TotalRock is far better, but I am gonna stay here, annoy you uptight, too serious arsechickens for a while.
yep, I will, but also like nu-crap, I won't go away just yet.

You are all too serious on this board, you never seem to have a laugh. If someone doesn't like 'underground or extreme' metal, you call them all sorts of names, is that really neccessary??

I thought metal was supposed to be about accepting people have different tastes. The way you lot go on, if someone in your fav. band admits to liking someone you don't, you won't like your fav. band anymore.

How has In Flames sold out, cause they like melodies?? Is anything 'above ground' bad??
To Wickywoowoo: Don't take offense to what I'm saying. I look at this forum as a fraternity. You have to earn your respect after being hazed.
Originally posted by wickywoowoo

You are all too serious on this board, you never seem to have a laugh. If someone doesn't like 'underground or extreme' metal, you call them all sorts of names, is that really neccessary??

If you want ta board that jokes around all the time, go to www.chedsey.com. That is a fun ass board
How has In Flames sold out, cause they like melodies?? Is anything 'above ground' bad?? [/B]

They have always had melodies. I like their first three releases (Lunar Strain, Subterranean, Jester Race)
I don't think you should joke all the time, but EVERY thread I have read, no one jokes, it is 100% serious, I don't think a board can keep going without some comic relief, everyone will hate everyone else after a while

Lighten up a little people. btw, I understand about the fraternity, working your way into the gang stuff, but let up on those who aren't in your gang. your not right all the time you know
Originally posted by wickywoowoo
I don't think you should joke all the time, but EVERY thread I have read, no one jokes, it is 100% serious, I don't think a board can keep going without some comic relief, everyone will hate everyone else after a while

Lighten up a little people. btw, I understand about the fraternity, working your way into the gang stuff, but let up on those who aren't in your gang. your not right all the time you know

that was what the Hate Pit was for www.forums.anti-design.co.uk
A quick response to the Korn issue, as that was the original topic.

I own the first 2 Korn albums, as well as the "Issues" album. I haven't listened to them in very long time, and I will not dismiss someone who happens to like them. While I think they are heavy, they don't seem to have the prowess of other bands considered to be heavy. Either that, or they enjoy playing extremely de-tuned and simple music.

They exploded commercially with the release of their "Follow The Leader" album (which I never acquired), but that didn't stop me from buying their followup "Issues" album. I suppose they are considered "nu-metal" or whatever the hell.

I really don't know what my point is here. Just thought I'd take a moment to address the original Korn topic. Naturally, if they say it's going to be "heavy fucking metal," of course it's not going to be, by anyone's standards on this board.

The Beatles were probably the biggest commercial band [in history?]...and I think they're great!

Now, let's start arguing to see if DT stands for Dark Tranquillity or Dream Theater! =)
Originally posted by wickywoowoo
I don't think you should joke all the time, but EVERY thread I have read, no one jokes, it is 100% serious, I don't think a board can keep going without some comic relief, everyone will hate everyone else after a while

Lighten up a little people. btw, I understand about the fraternity, working your way into the gang stuff, but let up on those who aren't in your gang. your not right all the time you know

oh my, well the original post was supposed to be somewhat of a joke... Korn claiming that their album is heavy metal, when they arent really metal at all, especially lately. The point of the post wasnt to anger fans of Korn, I personally dont like them, but I never said they had absolutely no talent. Some people can be asses, and I think both sides of the arguement should lighten up, and have a good laugh at Korn saying they are pure heavy fucking metal!:lol:
Korn this, Korn that, Korn are metal, Korn are not metal...
How the fuck do you guys keep up? Take it for what it is.


There´s 2 kinds, music you like and music you don´t like.
Fucken just live with it.

I, personally, am not disagreeing with the band's right to put out what they like, or a fan's right to listen what they like.

I AM objecting to Korn calling themselves Metal when blatantly aren't. Most people here have farts which are more Metal.

And browse all the forums, if you haven't seen any humour you have a different sense of humour to me...

Extortae: Dark Tranquillity are the way man! :)