Korroosio.fi presents: 20.3. EVERGREY / NIGHTINGALE @ Finland

Hey....take it easy with the booze!!!! :) or it will be just like the fans that followed E.O.S. to Sint Niklaas in Belgium 17 years ago....all fell asleep in the flat from the guy we stayed at, full of drugs of various kind...all missed the gig!!! 30 hours of driving for...well, nothing....but maybe the druggy dreams were better than our gig???
Dan Swanö;7050847 said:
Hey....take it easy with the booze!!!! :) or it will be just like the fans that followed E.O.S. to Sint Niklaas in Belgium 17 years ago....all fell asleep in the flat from the guy we stayed at, full of drugs of various kind...all missed the gig!!! 30 hours of driving for...well, nothing....but maybe the druggy dreams were better than our gig???

We´ll try not to be that enthusiastic :) Just some beer, rock and friends. I actually hope to hear To the end! And to see Dag dominate the stage
Dan Swanö;7050847 said:
Hey....take it easy with the booze!!!! :) or it will be just like the fans that followed E.O.S. to Sint Niklaas in Belgium 17 years ago....all fell asleep in the flat from the guy we stayed at, full of drugs of various kind...all missed the gig!!! 30 hours of driving for...well, nothing....but maybe the druggy dreams were better than our gig???

Nothing in the world will let us miss your gig, I promise :rock:

You´ll se us with our NG t-shirts :)
Dan Swanö;7050847 said:
Hey....take it easy with the booze!!!! :) or it will be just like the fans that followed E.O.S. to Sint Niklaas in Belgium 17 years ago....all fell asleep in the flat from the guy we stayed at, full of drugs of various kind...all missed the gig!!! 30 hours of driving for...well, nothing....but maybe the druggy dreams were better than our gig???

I'll see to it that the boys get there.
Or TheFourthHorseman will. :lol:

no chance in hell I'm missing the gig... besides I would get my ass kicked by my wife if I'm too boozed up. :cry:
Damn i wish i could see this gig :waah:

I just went on the Melloboat and saw Opeth etc :rock: So i cant afford another boat trip this month :erk:
For some reason I recently happend to very much like "To the end" but what a heck. One out off two ain´t bad. The Dag and only :rock:

Kommer Tom att köra dubbelkaggar?

It´s a great song but not a very requested one ( i think you are the first :lol: )
and you can´t play everything :waah: But we play 5-6 songs we didn´t do
in Bollnäs or Barcelona and one we never have done before :rock:
It´s a great song but not a very requested one ( i think you are the first :lol: )
and you can´t play everything :waah: But we play 5-6 songs we didn´t do
in Bollnäs or Barcelona and one we never have done before :rock:

Well im a rocker with good taste :goggly: Or maybe not. As you won´t play it :waah: Your gigs usually kick so much ass that the asses present are not enough! So im sure it will be a great gig :rock:
Unfortunately I'll have to call off the beer/tea party, I'm working on the gig day and have to travel to Helsinki by car so I'll only be there around 7pm. Have to hurry to Nosturi right away. Feel free to PM me your phone number cenzu, we can always have a bee...damn it I'm still not drinking...well we can meet after the gig in any case.
[Korroosio.fi presents:

Nosturi / Helsinki



20:00 Ovet auki
21:00 NIGHTINGALE (90 min)
23:00 EVERGREY (90 min)
02:00 Ovet kiinni]

No niin! Huomenna sitten rokataan ja mätetään Nosturilla.

Kuten on jo tullut mainittua, luvassa on molempien bändien osalta ainakin osittain spesiaalia settiä. Evergrey soittaa jo päivää aiemmin Tampereella, mutta ainakin Helsingin keikan suhteen on luvattu myös muutamia tulevan albumin kappaleita ja ehkä jopa joitakin yllätyksiä vanhemmasta tuotannosta. Nightingale tulee sen sijaan soittamaan melkoisen harvinaisen 90-minuuttisen setin, joka sisältää muutamia kokonaan aiemmin soittamattomia kappaleita ja noin muuten laajasti materiaalia kaikilta Nightingalen kuudelta albumilta, sekä tietenkin sitä Edge of Sanity-lainailuakin.

Illan soittolista tulee harhailemaan jossain pääbändien viitoittamalla, hivenen kevyemmillä ja vielä raskaammilla poluilla, joten ihan perustaustameteliä ei tulla toivon mukaan kuulemaan tälläkään kertaa iltaman aikana keikkojen väleissä!

Vielä ehtii tutustua:

Ja perjantaihan on edelleen pyhäpäivä!