Krank Rev Jr.....CLIP INSIDE!!!

Jan 11, 2006
The 'Lou
Well, I did it. I got a Rev Jr half stack. So far pretty impressed with what this little thing can do. I didn't care too much for the 1x12 it came with so I have been running it through my Avatar 2x12 w/ V30's. Its well capable of pushing those, though I would be interested to hear it with a 4x12 cab. Anyways, here goes.

C1 ==> OD808 ==> Rev Jr. ==> Avatar ==> Audix i5
Sounds good!

I have a rev jr as well. They take a lot of tweaking but when you get it right they sound great.

What were the amp settings you used for that clip? It sounds like you are making use of the send/return loop gain stage - it tends to make the sound fuller like in your clip.
Yeah, I have the active loop turned up about 3/4 of the way.

Bass: 4
Mid: 2
Treble 3
Sweep: About 8
Gain: 5 (boost engaged)

Balance: 12:00
Tone: 2:00
Gain: 0
Fuck I want of these things so bad! I got the Bugera 333 instead when I lost the auction for the Rev Jr. head somebody was selling.

Are you using a 4x12 right?

Nah, just a 2x12 Avatar!! I'm going to try it this weekend with some impulses. Any requests (Guitarhack's or Poidaboi's Engl)?


Yeah, this thing is pretty suprising when you first plug it in. It can dial in many different combinations of distortions. No presence knob, but thats where the sweep comes in handy.
Maurizio: The Rev Jr. will power a 4x12 cabinet well enough to record. As far as using it in a live situation though, the Krank rep told me it will be underpowered. With the FX loop cranked to 10 the output is similar to a 50w tube head. The FireBall (50w) I'm recording currently for a project is pretty weak compared to my Dual Recto or Bugera which are 100w and 120w, respectively. However, the FireBall is loud enough to record with so it's all gravy. :)

They have no plans to sell just the head, unfortunately. :(

However, you can find the head on eBay occasionally. I found one and it went for $455...somebody got it right from under me so I waited and didn't find another Rev Jr. head-only auction. I ended up just getting the Bugera 333 because of it. But I'm really happy with the Bugera so all is well. However...I really want that Krank sound available to me as well :headbang:

Maurizio: The Rev Jr. will power a 4x12 cabinet well enough to record. As far as using it in a live situation though, the Krank rep told me it will be underpowered. With the FX loop cranked to 10 the output is similar to a 50w tube head. The FireBall (50w) I'm recording currently for a project is pretty weak compared to my Dual Recto or Bugera which are 100w and 120w, respectively. However, the FireBall is loud enough to record with so it's all gravy. :)


Are you shitting me? How fucking loud do you record?!?! My Single Rectifier is LOUD AS FUCK. A 50w amp is only about 6db quieter than a 100w amp... My 120w Blackmore never goes past 1.5/2 at band practice, 5150 sits at about 3.5...
No, I'm afraid I am not shitting you. The FireBall that I am working with at the moment I have heard live when the band practiced at the drummer's was on 10 and was struggling to be heard. 6dB is more than most people think...go into a project and turn something down -6dB. All I know is that it was just barely loud enough to be heard through drums and another guitar in a live/practice situation when turned up to full blast through a Marshall 1960 cab. Meanwhile my JSX into the same cab was running at 3 and was killing everyone in the room. Maybe something is wrong with the amp?

And to clarify, I record guitars usually with the master volume at around 4 (loud, lol). The FireBall's volume is fine for recording, I was referring to live aspects though - i.e. cutting through the rest of the band. This is the only FireBall I've ever worked with in person so I don't know if it's all of them or just this one...

No, I'm afraid I am not shitting you. The FireBall that I am working with at the moment I have heard live when the band practiced at the drummer's was on 10 and was struggling to be heard. 6dB is more than most people think...go into a project and turn something down -6dB. All I know is that it was just barely loud enough to be heard through drums and another guitar in a live/practice situation when turned up to full blast through a Marshall 1960 cab. Meanwhile my JSX into the same cab was running at 3 and was killing everyone in the room. Maybe something is wrong with the amp?


Wow that IS strange! :erk: I've never tried a Fireball so I don't know how loud it is, but it's 60watts and my 50watt Rectoverb is louder than hell... Maybe it's the voicing of the amp that makes it hard to cut through?
I've worked with this band before, and we used the FireBall last time as well. I like it, it's very cold though, so you may want to turn the mids up a little more during tracking and maybe take some back out later with some EQ. I tend to do that a lot, instead of scooping the amp first, I'll have it pretty middy and then scoop out what I need after it's been's not the same as scooping the amp on the amp's EQ. I really have no complaints about the amp. The FB is a very tight amp, if the player is precise then the FB will let that shine through, likewise if the player is sloppy the FB will sound like a mess. I use to own a PowerBall and before working with the FB I thought they were the same amp, just one was twice the wattage and channels - not so. The FireBall is like a different amp altogether, the voicing is similar at best, but they are definitely not the same amp. That said, I think I actually prefer the FB over my old PB...better price too, haha.

I'm fighting so hard with myself. I really want that Rev Jr. Without a cab of course. I allready got it's big brother but I would use the ministack for playing at home. I just don't think it's necessary. I hate myself for thinking like that :-D
Yeah, it would be a little pointless for you to get one if you already have a full-size Rev. But, it's a great way to get into the Krank sound for a good price. This is actually perfect for studio use.
