
Just make sure it's with a good cab and lots of volume else you might become one of these anti-krankhead shits polluting this board with fallacies.

:lol: :cool:

So's amazing how much it opens up when you turn the Master Volume up, and how nasty/fizzy it is quiet. I was immediately like, "Ah, well you can tell all the people who just played one of these in a store at semi-quiet volume and formed their opinions that way..."
So I finally made it back to the studio and got to play around with the amp some more...I love it so far. One of my all-time favorite tones is the Metallica tone from the Mercyful Fate cover on Garage, Inc., and I tried to get close to it tonight. I think it sounds quite good. Their version has more room sound mixed in, but my room is not very good so there's not as much on mine. But I'm happy with it.

I don't know what you think about the krank cabs. I have the Revolution Cab. Oh and LSD, maybe there is a chance to play it in your studio someday? My best friends mother lives in Lübeck and we visit her quiet often.
And your new clip doesn't sound like a cheap distortion pedal at all in my opinion! Great sound! I'm looking forward to record my Rev+GuitarHack Impulses soooooo much. Just waiting for the attenuator (tube cube) so ship. Guess it will still take a while.
sounds good, but I too, feel that the tone is a bit too fizzy and not thick enough. Im a fussy guy when it comes to tone.....i really do love my Mesa Mark IV.....
I still hope people will stop hating Krank amps for beeing amps manufactured by Krank. I don't have to care at all what people think but it makes absolutely no sense. Taste is different. I really do hate the sound of rectifiers for example. Some people will say I have to take more time to get a decent sound out of it and I really really took my time. Still hate it. Sounds like a hair dryer to me.

I allready read a lot of those Krank-Lovers/Haters discussions but most of them are based on kranks marketing policy in the past. They fucked it up and this is why a lot of people (NOT EVERYONE!!!!!! especially on this forum... if you dislike the sound it's absolutely okay) just want to hate Krankamps without even playing one in a rehearsal room cranked up. Sounds really good (and unique) to me by the way. :)
.... I'm looking forward to record my Rev+GuitarHack Impulses soooooo much. Just waiting for the attenuator (tube cube) so ship. Guess it will still take a while.

It's unfortunate but the Rev seems to have a VERY low signal from the Effect Send. You have to have your preamp gain high on your interface to get it to a useable level. Using the Lineout of the Hotplate is much louder but very un-natural sounding when compared to micing the cab with the mic in the same place as the Impulse. I guess that's one effect of double-using the Poweramp stage, eg once for the Impulse creation and once for the signal from the Hotplate out.
But after turning up my preamp gain I wont have any trouble, right? Or will this produce a lot of noise?

I wanted to try out several ways... fx send - mic pre - impulse and/or speaker output - palmer PDI-09 (thru connected to hotplate) - mic pre.

I don't want to use the hotplates output. I just need it to be able to play my Rev without a cab. My neighbours allready hate me sooooo much it's unbelivable (but so do I :)).
But thanks for the advice anyway. You did a really good job with your impulses. Can I find some samples of your Rev+Impulses somewhere? I know you recorded some but they're not online anymore (or am I wrong?not sure...)