Kreator - Enemy of god

General Zod said:
I should have it up by the weekend. I'm dropping your 3 Inches of Blood in the mail tomorrow or Thursday, just need to get to the post office. Do you want the Isis too?

Yeah man, that would be cool. No rush really, if you want to just FTP on the weekend, I'll download it if you don't want to bother with a CD-R or two.
Doomcifer said:
"No, only Ayeka"


Why would anyone possibly list an album that wasn't officially released in said year at year-end lists and even more bewildering, why would one, like Ayeka [ :lol: ], add a downloaded album to the Latest PURCHASES thread?!?! My, oh my.
Maybe he has to pay for the bandwidth. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Enemy of God is excellent. The other "track 4" is very good. Need to hear the whole album, but so far, Kreator's living up to all expectations. Nothing more, nothing less. :Smug:

Yes, it's really quite shocking why all thrash bands don't just do this in every other song. There is a reason why Sepultura and Kreator reign(ed) supreme...
Sodom around "Agent Orange" and Vio-Lence also had such awesome breaks... And how can anyone forget the WAAAAAAAAAAAR-DAAAAAAAAAAAANCE! part from what must be the best Anthrax song ever (not too crazy about the band in general)
looks like this will be the actual cover:

Mille und ze kiddiez ...

KREATOR frontman Mille Petrozza appeared on the children's TV channel KinderKanal in Germany today (Nov. 19). The 30-minute program featured Petrozza answering questions about the heavy metal genre. According to a BLABBERMOUTH.NET visitor, "the presenter of the show was a bit nervous, and Mille seemed a bit misplaced, but all in all it was a good show for kids. They learned much about metal. ('Hello kids, this is Mille. He plays in a so-called 'metal band'). They didn't make fun about metal (like many media [outlets] usually do). They explained metal in simple words. They showed some METALLICA, MANOWAR, IRON MAIDEN and KREATOR [videos], and talked about riffs etc. A boy asked, 'Is your long hair a wig?' At the end, Mille played a BLACK SABBATH riff."

BTW ... the new record is really kicking my ass. SUICIDE TERRORIST !!!!!!
one thing I don't like about the new record is Ventor's drumming ... it's sounds a little one dimensional and similar on most tracks
for whom else did this release wear thin really quick ... after the initial wow ... I am now left bored with this.
(have to rethink my music listening strategies ... see Mechanical Poet review thread :D)
I have still only heard the title track and World Anarchy and they both still kick myass, Enemy of God in particular methinks. I'll get the album eventually
Doomcifer said:
"No, only Ayeka"


Why would anyone possibly list an album that wasn't officially released in said year at year-end lists and even more bewildering, why would one, like Ayeka [ :lol: ], add a downloaded album to the Latest PURCHASES thread?!?! My, oh my.

Can't believe I missed this the first time round...I mean, why else would I spend 30 seconds a day on a forum with "2 tr00+kvlt 4 U!" fags like Doomcifer the GROMIT!

You buy your albums because a bunch of guys from a forum tell you too :loco: HC!