Kreator - Enemy of god

The problem with this album is that it had to follow "Violent Revolution". It's got "South of Heaven" syndrome -- it'll probably be more appreciated somewhere around 2008.
I listened to this again the other day.....holy shit, this is going to be a sleeper hit, goddamn. It kind of faded away over night, but once you throw it on again, you can't stop it from kicking your arSse. It is a beast.

It's not quite Violent Revolution, but it's so "heavy metal" so a comparison isn't truly necessary. I mean, possibly the thrashiest thing about this album is Mille's vocals! This is going to get more spins over the next few days, but otherwise this fell into the "out of sight, out of mind" category, which is a shame.

I want to resuscitate it. It's ALIVE!
but it is still shit ... this record is like ... try to hard ... good stuff, but boring