KROQ Microbrew Fest


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
Hey, if y'all are looking for something to do this Saturday come on down to the Santa Anita Racetrack for the KROQ Microbrewery Beer Fest!!! Come parlay the ponies and check out some classic 80's metal big-hair era music played by a bunch o' chicks (I'll be behind the drums :headbang: ) and drink beer! They're giving away free steins too! Let the races begin! It's a goof, just thought I'd throw it out at ya anyway. hee hee.
Originally posted by Doodoobubbachuck
Oh Dear God Smylex, did you really have to say the name???
Please come and bug me if you go! :) Heenan, will do my best to snag ya one!

Don't blame me. Blame KROQ. How do you think I originally heard about this show on Monday? :p
Originally posted by Mike Heenan
Sweet! Grab me a stein if you can!

You want a stein? Go outside and dig one up.

"Stein" is rock in German. :D
Okay kiddies! I finally registered. Just had to comment on the wonderful monikers for the latest breed of female metal cover bands: "Boobytrap," "Cockpit," "Hottie Knockers," etc. Lovely!

See ya'all at the Maidens' ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY show on October 11.
Originally posted by drumslut
See ya'all at the Maidens' ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY show on October 11.

!!! one year ~ seems longer! ahhh, the first show~ Paladino's Oct. 6, I looked it up. What a great time this all has been; looking forward to next year definately! The response to what we are doing is ten fold positive! Here's to more shows, more venues, and more IRON FUCKIN' MAIDEN!
AWWWWWWW... sniff sniff... my Maidens are already a year old! Yes, I agree that it was a phenomenal year, and things had gone very well from the get-go -- packed houses straight out of gate. I have met more Maiden fans (and shared many great Maiden stories) in the few months I was in the Iron Maidens than in a lifetime. And just looking at all the awesome gigs (a huge show at the ventura theatre, a TOUR) the Maidens have planned for the rest of the year... I've always felt that the band was destined for success -- great people, great musicianship, playing great music. 2003 = world domination!! wheeeeee!! Happy birthday Maidens!
And, of course, I miss the Microbrew Fest because I was sleeping. :cry: Here I was thinking that this thing would be going on during the evening and they scheduled it for 10 am - 5 pm! ARE THEY ON CRACK?! I think so!
Originally posted by drumslut
Okay kiddies! I finally registered. Just had to comment on the wonderful monikers for the latest breed of female metal cover bands: "Boobytrap," "Cockpit," "Hottie Knockers," etc. Lovely!

See ya'all at the Maidens' ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY show on October 11.

And how about those original bands with and without females that have names like Bush; Hole; Tool; Sponge; Snatch; Kittie; The Muffs; The Sluts...

Ah...the names go on and on and on. :)