

Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
This message is directed at Kushantaiidan:

Interesting read about your opinions on the late Hate Pit and how you were against it. How is your child porn collection coming along?

Regardless of how stupid discussions get in any forum, there is NEVER any need to have perverts like you post sick images - you have no idea as to how old the other visitors are, and the pictures you keep posting everywhere are disturbing and illegal I might add.

I am surprised the moderators went to lengths to shut down the Hate Pit, and yet somehow you are still allowed access to UM. Although you would probably sign back on with a new pseudonym, I think it would be a good gesture by the UM moderators to have "Kushantaiidan" banned.

You need therapy.
I agree, the pictures you post are very disturbing, that is the reason no one liked you at the Hate Pit, you are a disgusting human being, I for one would support Mark or anyone else if they booted your ass off!
As mark said: You guys make me wonder why I bother with UM at all. End of discussion about the fucking hate pit!

I've been here for a while, and I certainly appreciate what mark does for this site. It's his site, and he can do whatever he wants. You guys might have weaker stomach's than I do, but at least I know to respect our admin and not to dispute his desiscions regarding this site.

I love you, and to all a good night. I'm gonna go hide in the Opeth forum again. Too many retards out here.
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan

I love you, and to all a good night. I'm gonna go hide in the Opeth forum again. Too many retards out here.

As always your intelligence astounds me Kush, I hope you have have fun with your child Pornography, sick bastard, stronger stomachs indeed, you are on of the reasons the Hate Pit isn't here, so you'll get the brunt of my hate from now on, ta ta.
Originally posted by kuja
let me rephrase:
[sarcasm]That picture is disgusting. You make me SICK Kush. Bloody CHILD PORN. [/sarcasm]

Obviously you have just joined here and you haven't seen some of the sick and pornographic pictures Kush has posted, don't put your foot in your mouth when you don't know what you are talking about.
Originally posted by AjDeath

Obviously you have just joined here and you haven't seen some of the sick and pornographic pictures Kush has posted, don't put your foot in your mouth when you don't know what you are talking about.

Um, he's been my personal friend for 6 years, and I went to school and university with him. He's been on this board for as long as I have under a different name, and is a member of my band. What the hell would you know.. lol.
Originally posted by AjDeath

Obviously you have just joined here and you haven't seen some of the sick and pornographic pictures Kush has posted, don't put your foot in your mouth when you don't know what you are talking about.

........ well I've been around for a good while and


I've seen the pictures .....and I thought they were about as sick and pornographic as Harry Potter.....
The majority of the people that saw the pictures he posted told him they were trash and to stop posting them, maybe your idea of morals and or moral relativity is way different then ours and you can accept and appreciate pieces of trash like that, but that is your own problem.
oh jees!

accept and appreciate

I didn't say I thought it was modern art for God's sake!! I just looked, laughed, scrolled down......

It didn't offend my sense of morality.

and who got hurt in the process exactly?? Where IS the moral concern of yours???

And my idea of moral relativity is my own problem!

hmm, well I don't think that makes any sense at all, but in any case what is my "problem" supposed to be?? That I don't get squeamish about pictures? That I don't get offended by cartoons?

Well that's a problem I think I can deal with given some time and maybe some therapy......
Originally posted by AjDeath
The majority of the people that saw the pictures he posted told him they were trash and to stop posting them, maybe your idea of morals and or moral relativity is way different then ours and you can accept and appreciate pieces of trash like that, but that is your own problem.
what exactly were these infamous pictures that he posted? (Examples?) (and no i dont want to see them if they are truly pornographic)