thank you mark...

You don't remember those picture veil:rolleyes:

Like I said before when I get bored with this I will stop but I had too much fun here last night and my interest in this subject is back, I will stop though, someday in the very not so distant future.
Right - I can't be bothered going back through all the posts I've just read to find the exact quotes, so forgive me for paraphrasing stuff here.

AjDeath - no-one was being 'punished' and no-one is being blamed for the demise of the Hate Pit - it was just that in general, the posts moved from subjects like 'I Hate Mondays' to stuff resembling a white-power rally. Racist slurs, whether tongue-in-cheek are not, were being posted which went way beyond the harmless 'banter' that veil the sky talks about. People were being genuinely offended, and as anyone who was around when the Hate Pit first opened will remember, that was originally not a problem. People then started getting more extreme in their posts, and a disclaimer went up. That was fine too. Then things entirely unrelated to THE ORIGINAL PURPOSE OF THE HATE PIT started getting posted on a regular basis. Child porn, Hentai, whatever - what the hell have those thigns got to do with keeping flame wars off the other forums? Nothing.

The unmoderated nature of The Hate Pit was being ABUSED. Pure and simple. Now it's gone. I'm not mourning it's passing, personally, but if you read my reply to the Where Has The Hate Pit Gone thread, you'll see my feelings about the whole issue in terms of the value this community obviously places in the work that Mark, myself and the others do voluntarily to keep UM alive.
You keep citing the Hentia pictures which were posted by only one guy, Kushtaiidan, they were offensive and didn't belong there, we told him so when he posted them, One incident you mentioned, That is why I said I felt like I was being punished like a little kid for a few peoples actions. Now, I know you have better things to do than look for things that offended you and tell me about them, I was offended by a lot of crap in there too, I just ignored it, the underlying fact of the matter is that there were a lot of good intelligent convos going and you deleted them all, you could have moved them to the Chat forum and told us to pipe down the rhetoric and we would have, we ARE mostly adults, it was a hasty and rash decision that pissed a lot of people off, me included(like you couldn't tell)
If it's the, end, then it's the end. Plain and simple.
I fought my battle-however childishly-and lost.
It's a shame to give up the Hate pit, it really is, but we've done everything we possibly can, and after reading Dill's post in the GMD forum, I think I realize that I, personally, have been harassing a bunch of hard-working people who, may not have exactly asked for this.
Don't get me wrong, I want the hate pit back, and as soon as possible, but since I can't have it and they've asked us to stop complaining about it, I intend to comply, simply because without this site I never would have found out about Bands like In flames, Arch Enemy, Opeth, and several others.
Truthfully, this site has been good to all of us, and while I'm not saying that you should puss out and give up your fight for the hate pit, I am saying that I don't think it would be such a bad idea to give the hate pit up, and I am going to do so.
This is (I think) the only post I have made about the hate pit, and hope not to have to make any more...

A theory: little boys have trouble expressing their feelings, especially negative emotions such as anger and hate.. part of the reason many listen to metal... for a short time the hate pit allowed them to express these in a way they feel they can't in person, and now its gone some are having trouble adjusting, hopefull it will wear off soon to those in turmoil right now..

In the mean time why not make up for the lack of the hate pit by doing it in person :heh: I think you'll all find it more enjoyable than having to hide behind a screen name anyway ;)

Anyway, so by closing the hate pit this will not only make you more \M/ METAL \M/ due to all the suppressed hate, it may help you express yourself to those around, group hug ;)

In other words, no offence, but this has gone too far, please let it die now. The endless posts are not only annoying but will serve no purpose, Mark has made his decision, the staff are completely behind him and deleting threads started in forums to replace the hate pit is getting tedious
I don't think he was talking about you being gay, Kush, that is kinda obvious, I think he was talking about everyother post you you have made here and your child porn fetish(I didn't make that up)

And don't you just love my sig.? I will leave it that way just to annoy you Kush.
I'm completely on Mark's side here. Hey, look at it from 'the other angle'. Even though the it's not th cause, bandwidth could be saved removing useless stuff (the hate pit... oh, what a coincidense) I don't want to argue anymore... but the hate pit being closed was no big deal...really. You want freedom? Well... you got it... and abused it! Oh wow... what a good leader... he let's us abuse the forums and give a bad impression to new visitors (i've recommended to so many ppl), who leave because they find the shoutbox full of hate! Wow... how so nice?
I'm not any anyone's side... but what's done is done.. and i kindly request all 'HATE-PIT' lovers to please SHUT UP!!!
We've have enough (the normal UM members)... forget the whole thing... (and mark... how about testing the Shoutbox again.. and a moderated there, if there's any abusing goin on...delete the shout!!...if it don't work...dump it...???)

Ok... and AjDeath.... what a LOOONG gave me a shock when i saw it!! :D

ok that's all!
you shut up you babbling idiot

You decide what's useless on your own do you? So the opinion of the majority concerned is completely unimportant? Outrageous arrogance. Anyway the whole point of freedom (as in the pit)is that it can't be abused. If you're free to do what you want then you can't be breaking any rules ...that was the whole point!
Good Point, the NEW HATE PIT fucking rules though, no bullshit, no mommy and daddy telling me what I can and cannot post, in fact I hardly post here at all now, and before any of you say, "no big loss,hee hee ta ta!" I will say fuck off and have a great day!