My fellow Hate Pitters

Yes, I know a lot of the posts on this forum aren't directly music related - and that's because there's only 24 hours in a day and only one of me. I try to keep the GMD forum as 'on-topic' as I can, which is hard with people joining up just to post promotional threads in the wrong forum and all sorts of off-topic posts being posted all the time... I'm not saying that the Hate Pit should never be mentioned again, just that the GMD forum is hardly the right place for it.
If it'll make you all feel better, I won't delete the Hate Pit related threads. But I'd consider it a favour if no more were posted here.
Originally posted by dill_the_devil
That's good to know. I know Mark is trying constantly to make Ultimate Metal the best, biggest and most comprehensive online metal community there is, and the Hate Pit had evolved into something that he (and most of the rest of the staff) no longer wanted associated with UM. One bad apple spoils the barrel, as they say, and when people saw the Hate Pit as it was before the closure, they lost a lot of respect for the community as a whole.

alleluia! so why took you guys so long to make that statement? I completely understand your posture and the actions taken, the Hate Pit was getting out of hand... so all you had to do was putting a statement about why it had to leave, i bet everybody would compreend. Mark is an excellent operator, and from what i red from you, you are on your way.