"I hate you" thread for...


Sep 10, 2001
not there
Trapped and Poison God
True Light and PoisonGodMachine/Smartass
You and fuckin' me, OK? I fucking hate you... :grin:

Not to fight in threads. You fucking ruin them!

(note: there is also the hate pit, but we all hate everyone else who is not on this forum, so this is family business)
*sheesh* don't get all 'huff huff' about it Metalman...!!

These megadeth BBer's need to get a life. :rolleyes:

Lets hijack this thread too Poison G....! :lol:
Originally posted by thewendy
I hate you guys
you guys are assholes
especially Kenny
I hate him the most!!!!!
.................................ha awesome!!!!!.......................out in the woods..making soft serv ice cream.......for all my friends.....especially kenny.....
WB metalman!!

do you know the short story "the lightning-rod man". it's from the guy who also wrote moby dick (spelling????) :grin: . your avatar always reminds me on this!

will you be back to icq someday?
NoLordy hates only Jesus of Nazareth. And maybe Fred Durst.
He "dislikes" many people, but HATE is eternal.
Originally posted by [KOTNO]Narrot
WB metalman!!

do you know the short story "the lightning-rod man". it's from the guy who also wrote moby dick (spelling????) :grin: . your avatar always reminds me on this!

will you be back to icq someday?
Hey narroty i will go back to icq... sorry dude but i am having some difficult situ here... c ya online... :)