Why do they call you Big Dave? There was a kid in my high school who went by Big Joe and he was huge, but that isn't why we called him that. We called him Big Joe because one time at baseball practice his pants fell down and when we all made fun of him he pulled off his jock and ran around the bases, and it was particularly cold that day, so his... unit... was a little shrivelled. The water girls were very amused, and from that day forth he was "Big" Joe. Any chance you're called that for the same reason? Cuz you've got a tiny pecker? I don't mean offense, but if your pecker is small I suggest a different nickname, because the irony is wayy too obvious...
Oh, and check out Halo/Halo 2 for the definition of "Legacy" controls. In a nutshell it is where one joystick handles moving/turning and the other is purely strafing. Sniping aside, that is legacy controls.
I digress... I hate how Anders won't return to the Jester Race sound. He's a homo, and the band name In Flames suits him better than ever.
I also hate being italian and hairy. Shaving every day hurts like a bitch, especially around the neck and balls areas.
Buy a Suidakra CD.