thank you mark...

I've donated to Ultimate Metal - I don't mind because it's ok for music discussions (although latley it has been pretty lame to be honest)....this site needs some new band forums IMO.

Having said that, I've never agreed to the Hate Pit being shut down, and so I give a big thumbs up to those Hate Pit people who built their own Hate Pit elsewhere. I hear it is packed with ex-UM people (the cool people not obsessed with political correctness). I'll be signing up shortly. ;)
Thing is, Dill, the Hate Pit was never intended for music discussions so I'm not sure what you mean by 'people who never bothered with the music elements'. Your disclaimer in the Hate Pit even described it as such. When you give people carte blanche, they will push the envelope.

Keep doing the reviews - most people read them. And this way, if they want to express hatred, they can go to the new Hate Pit. It's win win now.
Originally posted by maestro_al
Thing is, Dill, the Hate Pit was never intended for music discussions so I'm not sure what you mean by 'people who never bothered with the music elements'. Your disclaimer in the Hate Pit even described it as such. When you give people carte blanche, they will push the envelope.

I feel his comment was more aimed at the fact they are ex-UM members, so if they leave as soon as the hate pit is closed ity stands to reason they weren't here for the music ;)
Yup, godisanatheist got what I meant... and sorry to sound like I'm having a go, maestro_al, but your reply kind of illustrates exactly my point. I said 'the music elements of the site ' not 'the music elements of the Hate Pit'. You assumed by 'the site' I meant the Pit, and that sorta shows how much respect the rest of the site was given compared to the Hate Pit - which is ironic, considering the Hate Pit was the only part of the site that didn't need constant work from the staff.
Still, never mind. I'll keep on writing - five down today, loads more to go 'cos I've just found another bunch of CDs that I've got that I haven't yet reviewed (not promo ones, stuff that I've bought).
I see. But just to point out, those 'ex-UM Hate Pit' members now use both sites - not just the Hate Pit. They are all very strong metal fans as you can see from their sensible postings in normal threads.

I guess that's why it's 'win win' for everyone - they get a hate pit, and this seperate site for metal discussions.

I like this site a lot, but I am also definitely signing up to the New Hate Pit. Two URLs are as easy as one! :rock:
Cool, that's fine. I hope everyone enjoys the new Hate Pit as much as they clearly did the old one, and maybe the rest of us on UM can get on with business as usual.
Can I just ask one favour though? If you decide you have something to say about me, like the people on this thread obviously did:;act=ST;f=8;t=3
Would you do me the courtesy of saying it where I can easily see it and reply to it?
Again, not having a go at anyone, just illustrating a point.

I'll explain myself a bit!

I created the New Hate Pit because I really enjoyed the old one. Plain and simple. And so did the other users.

It was taken away and I have posted numerous times to say that what Mark and his staff do with the UM is completely their business and if it was decided by them that The Hate Pit was no longer wanted then I can't and wont argue with their decision to take it away.


But I AM a metal fan. Thanks maestro_al :) you said exactly what I was thinking. I genuinely want somewhere to go to discuss music and I have never stopped doing so, nor will I. I partake in the music community and I like to think that I make a valuable contribution in my own way. I'm not an EX UM member, I am a CURRENT UM member and would like to be so as long as I am welcome. I DO read the music reviews and I DO partake in music conversation. I make as many posts as anyone in the musicians discussion forum.

Thanks again Dill for your hard work for the UM.