

Sep 8, 2002
Wales, U.K.
Will anyone here be going to any of Johanne's other band Kyrbgrinder gigs? Maybe you've already seen them live? My brother and I will be seeing them at The Barfly in Cardiff on February 12th. Their music sounds pretty cool from the 4 samples on their website. :headbang:
I'd love to see it. I would turn up to the gig dressed in a 100% lifelike Johanne flesh-suit, in fact I'd wear it for at least a week beforehand in famous places, to generate publicity. Imagine a guy dressed in a rubber Johanne-suit, scatting away outside the HP. That'll be me, then :)
There is an optimum level of pre-gig beer consumption, which makes one sufficiently relaxed to shout "oh yeah" at inappropriate moments and wave your hair around (!), BUT leaves you with the capacity to boast coherently to your mates (or some woman you've never met on an internet message board) the next day. You just need to find your level!

Am I wondering off topic?
Gilbo said:
There is an optimum level of pre-gig beer consumption, which makes one sufficiently relaxed to shout "oh yeah" at inappropriate moments and wave your hair around (!), BUT leaves you with the capacity to boast coherently to your mates (or some woman you've never met on an internet message board) the next day. You just need to find your level!

Am I wondering off topic?

:tickled: "Oh yeah" I think I know where you're coming from.:headbang: I'll be fine and will give you a lowdown on the evening. Let's rock and roll!
Well last night was a total cock-up.

3 of us turned up at the venue (Cardiff Barfly) to find that it was an under 18's night which is the case every Sunday there. We felt quite silly (ages 50,30,28) in a queue with kids until we realised what had happened. I have now contacted Kyrbgrinder's website representative who I hope will shed some light on things. We ended up having a few drinks in Cardiff city centre.
I've just had a reply from their rep and they were very apologetic. The venue double booked that night and informed Kyrbgrinder at the last minute. The lady even asked if we incurred any expenses! They plan on coming to Cardiff in April and we have been offered to be on the guest list. :cool:
God!! I almost went, but my rubber Johanne-suit wasn't ready! What luck, I now find out! I'd have felt so silly...
LavagesOfTime said:
been into gigs for 15 years but I've never heard such a funny, "italianish" story :D

What do you mean by 'italianish'?

Schwarz, are you from Wales? If not then where to? I only ask as you said you were thinkig of going.

Gilbo, I'm sure the April gig will make up for it. I have to remind Kyrbgrinder team in mid March so they can sort out the guest passes. :)
:lol: Sorry to hear that, maybe next time?!

I got an e-mail back today saying that Kyrbgrinder will be playing in Porth (The Pop Factory) on Friday April 7th. Now believe it or not as this is really spooky, I live there and the venue is only a 10 minute walk from me!! :Smokin: So I had to stay in Cardiff where I was born, bred and still work, 20 miles away last month (I do this now and again when I come down to socialise with friends and family), but now they're coming to my home town of Porth which is a stones throw away. Uncanny or what??!! It's not the most well known place in the world either. :lol: They'll also be playing with 6 Welsh bands and I'm not sure if there is a reason for this, maybe a battle of the bands type thing? I've given them our 3 names for guest passes. I told them that there were only 3 of us who attended last month but to be disappointed when the venue double booked in error, so I never intended on adding extra names, not that I know anybody else who would be interested in seeing Kyrbgrinder. :)
Last night rocked and the 3 of us had such a great time. I didn't expect to enjoy Kyrbgrinder as much as I did and that goes for my brother and friend who also came along. We were invited as guests which meant the 3 of us got into the venue for the price of 1, and the bands organiser Sherry (who has a small company called UK UNSIGNED Rock) bought us 2 pints which was really cool of her. Sherry, Johanne, Ben and Dave were all nice, down to earth people who came over to chat occasionally. Thank you all.

We got to the venue at approx 7pm and the 1st band from 8 were playing. The other 7 were from Wales who I believe were involved in a 'battle of the bands' type thing, Kyrbgrinder were guests and were the 4th band to play. Each played for approx. half an hour. Most of the bands had something to offer except the 2nd band who were kind of like Blink 182 which doesn't do anything for me. All bands were under the UK UNSIGNED Rock banner. When Johanne walked into the main room about 10 minutes after our arrival, he saw my Threshold Subsurface t-shirt and smiled, so it was then that I walked over and introduced myself. :) Sherry then came over not long after and did the same.

When the band were setting up their gear, we made our way to the front with full pints so not to go without halfway through their set. :) What came after was brilliant to see and hear. :kickass: Johanne singing and playing drums was a sight to see, fantastic job and he can sing bloody well too. As a rule, metal bands have 2 double bass drums and a variety of drums and cymbals/percussion, but Johanne has a small kit with the 1 double bass drum and does the job superbly. Seeing him on the Critical Energy DVD is impressive, but he's definitely gone up in my estimation.:lol: The guitarist Ben gave off a wicked vibe that enhanced my enjoyment as you could tell he was really enjoying himself, moving about a lot and headbanging. :headbang: Bassist Dave looked more than capable and focused on his playing whereas the other 2 were 'rocking' for lack of a better word! Johanne introduced 'Fall Away' by saying this song is for the Threshold fans.:lol: Of course he was referring to the similarity of the song title, and when 'What About Me' was playing I had the biggest grin that I couldn't get rid of if I tried. :heh:

Later on I saw Johanne in the toilets and expressed my thoughts and as he was so appreciative, as always, he gave me their demo which was selling at £5 so another thumbs up to Kyrbgrinder's main man. :worship: I've been listening to it a few times today and it's excellent, all 10 songs (yes I did say ten!) are quality slabs of 'groove' metal. I can't really pigeon-hole them but they have some thrashier elements, latter day Overkill springs to mind, and some punk and funk is thrown in there too. All with a good dose of melody too. However there are no ballads.For the rest of the night, we got chatting to Ben (I didn't speak to Dave myself, but my friend did) and a few people and the place seemed to be buzzing while the other bands were playing and in between. All in all, a brilliant night and plenty of lager washed down our throats. Pure quality! :Smokin:

Thanks again to Sherry for making us feel welcome and for the drinks, the main man Johanne for the demo and being so pleasant, Ben and Dave. We'll be checking you out soon where possible.:cool:

Check them out at or (features 4 full length songs).