LA-610 Mk II - a NoNo on Vox?


Oct 21, 2011
Just curious as I'm looking to invest in my first preamp, especially given my inclination to record my own vocals lately.

Currently equipped with an SM7B for moderately low cookie monster sounds, and for that fair lady mid-range bitch screaming (my own self-deploring description).

I've heard the unit talked down in favor of the Sansamp SB1 in the case of a Bass DI, but seeing as I'm looking for a fair utility preamp as a first investment, I want to cover a bit more ground than just with a bass preamp, as I also wish to mic some acoustic instruments with my AT4040. I do intend to line-out for further coloration and adding a touch of its compression into the foray.

If you've not guessed, I'm not looking for the one-all end all, but something certainly well on the way of a workhorse of single line feeds, and again I stress, utility for a channel strip at a reasonable price. For some reason the LA-610 sticks out to me in this scenario.

Googler Sneap appeared to show a large absence of mentionables when it came to the 610. I hope this isn't foreshadowing anything...

In terms of AD/DA, I've only the Saffire Pro 24 atm. If I should instead pursue something better in its stead I can consider for sure. Most conversion shootouts with higher-end hw versus the Saffire, all appear to be using obsolete hosts for their posted samples...

I've a few finished tracks of my vox, they underwent some fairly heavy processing (and layering unfortunately) so it gives you absolutely no idea as to how they might sound dry & soloed (you can assume the worse, I'm not a seasoned vocalist.)


These were recording the Saffire 24's pres

I'll attempt to up some dry samples for reference at a later point. Looking forward to anyone's input!
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Honestly, I really like the 610 on vox. I can't provide any examples really but I've never been disappointed by it and always have been pleasantly surprised by how full and warm it sounds. For what it's worth, Devin Townsend tracks all of his vocals with an SM7b and a 6176, which is the 610 pre + 1176 type compressor instead of the T4. The T4 is actually pretty cool; imagine an LA-2A without as much weight/glue. Still really smooth and natural sounding, though.
I have an LA-610.
It has horrendous headroom.
It will only work in a small dynamic range and will distort horribly when it clips.
I never use it on vocals but it works great on kick out and bass and acoustics or anything where level won't suddenly jump.
My vocal pre is a Focusrite isa220 which I love, even more than my APIs on vocal.
EQ, compressor and de-esser all sound brilliant and it has massive headroom.
Can be picked up pretty cheap too and the digital card will plug into the spdif on your pro24 and give you an amazing front end that will work for everything.
I also use the UA LA610 MKII for Vocals all the time, i´m really glad i purchased it.
i also like to use it on guitars and bass when i use Amp Sims.
and i also use it when i record my acoustic guitar.
its pretty versaitle, depending on the sound you are after you can in- or decrease the "tube-grid" in the preamp section,
most of the time i just use the compressor with very gentle settings. and rather stack up some nice compressor plugins. but its nice to have some gentle analog compression on the way in

if you want to buy this preamp new, watch out for some Universal Audio offers, once in a year you can get a free UAD-2 Duo Card with it, you shouldnt miss this chance, unless you want to buy this preamp NOW and cannot wait ;)
It'd be my first pick for a pop vocal or fingered bass. I don't think the comp is quite aggressive enough for metal vox or bass, though.

I'll admit to being concerned about this...

I was going to comment back with some of the alternatives I've perused so far (on forums at least), but I didn't want to start a pissing contest concerning gear. :)

A fair majority of the suggestions revolve around GR/APIs/and I think I recall hearing an ISA as well. But as mentioned I hadn't seen much regarding the 610.

@Jeff I do like the option of a separate compressor :D

Maybe it was just the allure of the black knobs drawing me in. Also wasn't sure what the opinion was with running an out into the 610 strip for some subtle color. The main duties were of course vox/acoustic guitar - violin/ & the option of DI bass being a nice bonus if it's viable at least.

Thanks all for your thoughts so far :)
Thanks Exo ;)

Yeah I swear I spotted a card bundle deal earlier, just a few weeks/months ago... I think I may have just missed it hahah. I'm patient enough - I've been considering getting a kemper first and foremost as it is most present in my mind. But I wanted to sort my thoughts out on this initial preamp selection :p Tbh though, I've plenty of plugins (God I SO do not want more...) and my PC handles audio with no issue (No need for separate processing for now!). If anything my ceiling currently is RAM with 12gb, and only in the instance of multiple projects being opened because I was too lazy to freeze my samplers in their last state lol
Personally, I don't find opto comps in general useful for aggressive music hence why I'd avoid it if you were doing strictly that kinda music. If you're looking for some tube warmth though, I'd highly recommend it!
Thanks guys! I feel myself deviating from the 610...

Flipping through the vintechs... liking what I'm seeing in terms of a pair for my sm7b & the eq options in the strip, instead of a compressor (I'm looking to go for a distressor over the course of next year.) That and their pricing.

Any experience with the Vintech X73i (non replica, cheaper parts I assume?) Price is certainly better EDIT: separate PSU, and I'm not greatly concerned about clone vs clone vs original. But it seems like the LA610 is beginning to get pushed out of the ring a bit.

And on the other hand, the 500 series of preamp options just looks like a trap though... Not sure if I wanna bait myself into another money sink, but then again it may be the better route in my case given the slashed price and flexibility involved with the 500 route. Neve & API flavors for the same price of a single full rack strip...

My attention now has diverted to starting with the 500 series... >_<

I'm beginning to think a 512c on vox given my vocal style. Just listened to an old shootout of pres and the APIs really won me over! There's a sizzle to its sound that I believe would complement my voice. Opinions on the 512c possibly being a bit too edgy anyone??? Tbh I find when recording vox on the SM7b, they're quite dark once tracked and I end up mangling them by the end...