La vie.


Nov 9, 2001
Last night as I was brushing my teeth, faucet running, I looked down into the sink and noticed a fruit fly desperately floundering in the tiny amount of water in the basin as the faucet poured water down beside it. I watched as I brushed, fearing that the fruit fly would drown. I contemplated turning off the flow of water, to spare it, and all these issues of meddling with the natural scheme came into my head - is it my place as a human to spare this fly if I have the power to? but of course the fly is trapped in MY sink, and if it wasn't for human meddling wouldn't he not be stuck there in the first place? etc etc. Not to mention that to conserve water, you're never supposed to brush your teeth while the faucet runs because crap, what a waste. Well anyway then I noticed that the time I was spending thinking about it was equalling more time spent by the fruit fly drowning, and as a great compassion filled my heart I heroically threw aside my toothbrush and shut off the faucet, hooray! saving the fruit fly from its aqueous tomb!

Alas as soon as the faucet had been turned off, the equilibrium of the currents was cancelled and the fruit fly was immediately sucked into the same gaping, crusty drain hole which I had washed a spider down accidentally less than 3 weeks prior.

the sad thing is that a very similar situation went down 2 days ago in my apt, and it was basically the yang to this instance.

i'm overrun by black carpenter ants and one frantically tried to scurry out of the sink as i approached. a sick urge overwhelmed me and i blasted it with the nozzle spray.

i felt terrible after. FuSoYa, i try to live by the code you just revealed, but, this time i failed in a particularly atrocious manner.
