Way, way off-topic, but maybe you'll find it funny...


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
Picture a beautiful fall day in the mountains, peaceful and serene. In a wooded area, there is a small steam trickling, and hovering 12 inches above the water is a fly.

Underneath the surface, a trout spots the fly, and thinks to itself, "That's just out of my reach, but if he drops down about six inches, I'd be able to jump out and catch him and have myself a tasty little lunch."

Meanwhile, at the side of the stream a bear saw the trout, which was just out of his reach. But he also saw the fly and thought, "If that fly were to drop six inches, the trout would go for the fly, and he'd be within my reach, and I could have myself a tasty little lunch."

On the other side of the stream, in the forest, crouched a hunter, who saw the bear, but didn't have a clean shot. However, he also say the fly and the trout, and thought, "If that fly were to drop six inches, the trout would go for the fly, the bear would go for the trout, giving me a good shot to bag myself a nice trophy."

Meanwhile, on the ground behind the hunter was a field mouse, who saw a pack of trail mix in the hunter's backpack, almost ready to fall out. The mouse also saw the fly and the trout and the bear and thought to himself, "I can't reach the trail mix now, but if that fly were to drop six inches, the trout would go for the fly, the bear would go for the trout, the hunter would go for the bear, causing the trail mix to fall out, and I'd have myself a tasty little lunch."

Unknown to all of them, up above in the trees, was a cougar, who could see the mouse but didn't have a clear angle to pounce. However, he also saw the the fly and the trout and the bear and the hunter, and thought, "If that fly were to drop six inches, the trout would go for the fly, the bear would go for the trout, the hunter would shoot the bear, the mouse would go for the trail mix, which would bring him out into the open where I could pounce and have myself a tasty little lunch."

So there everything was set on this beautiful fall day, with the fly, and the trout, and the bear, and the hunter, and the mouse, and the cougar, and sure enough, the fly started to drop. However, in anticipation and excitment, the cougar lost his balance, falling out of the tree into the water, distracting everyone, and ruining everything.

And the moral of the story?

If a fly drops six inches, a pussy is going to get wet.