Labyrinth Advice?


Metal Lover in Ohio
May 9, 2006
Toledo, Ohio
I did a few searches but could find one of those "Better know a band" threads for Labyrinth. If anyone finds it, could you post the link here? Otherwise, I'm looking for recommendations on what cd to buy.

I already have 6 Days to Nowhere and plan to get RTHD pt.2, but would like to pick up another (to help be ready for the fest) because so far I like what I hear. So what would be the next album you'd recommend?
Return to Heaven Denied for the power...the S/T or Freeman for the prog. Whatever your tastes may lean toward.
Order to buy:
1. Return to Heaven Denied
2. Return to Heaven Denied Part II
3. Sons of Thunder
4. Labyrinth
5. No Limits
6. Timeless Crime (if you're a fanboy)

Who cares about anything else. The rest is pretty crappy IMO.
Order to buy:
1. Return to Heaven Denied
2. Return to Heaven Denied Part II
3. Sons of Thunder
4. Labyrinth
5. No Limits
6. Timeless Crime (if you're a fanboy)

Who cares about anything else. The rest is pretty crappy IMO.

That's pretty funny, because I only own Freeman and 6 Days to Nowhere. But I rather enjoy them both. The vocals can be iffy though.

I guess I should get some of the mentioned albums.
As a general rule, if you find yourself lost in a labyrinth, I find it best to prick your finger to leave a mark on a wall, then stick to that wall. If you come around to the same spot, switch sides.
I posty same thingy as in another recent thread. :wave:

I would recommend checking out the Labyrinth stuff in this order:

RTHD II (seems to be a great entry point, and an incredible album to boot)
Labyrinth (close/tie between where this is and RTHD is)
No Limits
6 Days to Nowhere
Sons of Thunder

Don't listen to anyone who forbids you from anything besides RTHD, for they know naught the goodness of the mighty prog-power contained otherwise. :cool: Heck, a couple of them have less filler than the original RTHD..

and to add on to that, a few notes about each: The self titled is one of the greatest examples I can think of concerning pure power metal and progressive ideas, e.g. 'progpower', as a record. Everything just WORKS. The band chemistry and creativity is dazzling, but the sound doesn't suit the nowadays metal crowd who can't decide if they want a band to be TEH 100% original, or sound exactly like another band..a voice carrying neither pretention is oft-greeted with confusion. 'No Limits' is along the same lines, but slightly less experimental, and a little darker, and has a very clear-throated Fabio Lione on vocals. 'Freeman' is diverse in a good way, scaling down a lot of faster, evenly spaced sounding songs for more of a down to earth feel, this record really shows the band trying their hand at songwriting which, while much simpler, is trying to do something different with a shorter range, and it mostly works very well, though in my opinion the last few songs are some filler. '6 Days' and 'Sons' are very easily the weakest though there are some must-hear songs between them, e.g. 'Lost', 'Kathryn'.. band needs way more credit than just 'they made a great album and a good sequel album'.
I did a few searches but could find one of those "Better know a band" threads for Labyrinth. If anyone finds it, could you post the link here? Otherwise, I'm looking for recommendations on what cd to buy.

I already have 6 Days to Nowhere and plan to get RTHD pt.2, but would like to pick up another (to help be ready for the fest) because so far I like what I hear. So what would be the next album you'd recommend?

My advice: Stay away from me as I'm going to lose my mind!!!!:Spin: LOL
I posty same thingy as in another recent thread. :wave:

I would recommend checking out the Labyrinth stuff in this order:

RTHD II (seems to be a great entry point, and an incredible album to boot)

This is what I did, and I am really enjoying RTHD pt 2. This year's fest has a lot of bands with SERIOUS music catalogs... I just downloaded Therion and Darwater last night - I have not gotten to a second album for any of these bands YET.
IMO: Best Labyrinth CD's go in this order: (BTW: I believe the 2003 S/T release is close to a masterpiece as well, guitarist Andrea Cantarelli kicks ass on it.)

1.) Labyrinth - (1998) Return To Heaven Denied
2.) Labyrinth - (2003) Labyrinth [Guitarist Andrea Cantarelli kicks ass on this one.]
3.) Labyrinth - (1996) No Limits
4.) Labyrinth - (2000) Sons of Thunder

*** NOTE: For fans of Labyrinth vocalist Roberto Tiranti - Roberto Tiranti performs all vocals on the "Headrush - (2005) Headrush " release. It's more hard rock-ish but I like it. To me Roberto is right up there with Ray Alder when it comes to conveying emotion via the vocal instrument.
Return To Heaven Denied is an absolute power metal masterpiece. When I'm in the mood for power, 9 times out 10, that's what comes to mind first.
I give big kudos for Labyrinth for expanding their sound on their later albums. They could have continued making RTHD sounding albums and I would probably would have been happy but they chose expand. they incoporated a little prog and straight up metal in following releases and IMO did it very well. They finally caved and did RTHD II, while not as good as the original is still quite good.

So here's my list

1. Return to Heaven Denied
2. Labyrinth
3. Freeman
4. Return to Heaven Denied II
5. Timeless Crime (EP) - make sure you find the hidden track, a cover of Sanctuary's Die For My Sins
6. No Limits
7. Sons of Thunder
Yep, except that if the labyrinth has any free-standing unconnected're fucked. :lol:

You'd eventually come back around the the original spot you made, upon which you can turn a corner, then switch walls. I feel pretty confident that it's almost failsafe.

I mean it's really not the labyrinth itself that gets you, provided you ahve enough food and water to last you a few days or weeks, it's the inevitable creature at the end, and I -hope- you found the Emerald of Az'cu'ranxa-t'h before you got to that point or else you're -really- boned.