laiho melodies

I used to like the first Children of Bodom album when it was new and I was like 16 but that ended quickly.

As to where Alexi gets the inspiration for his melodies, who knows? Final Fantasy games for all I fuckin know, why would anyone but Alexi himself know that?
I tought it might be from horror movies or something but yeh, i quess your right, who knows that
Hey! Im new here, so, hey everybody.... dont know anything else to say, but ok.

Im actually interested if any of you know where does alexi laiho get his melodic inspiration or ideas from? Is it linked with something or is it onley hes mind?
Songs like follow the reaper, living dead beat, bodom beach terror etc, they have really catchy and nice melodies there. In my opinion they have one of the most unique melodies i have heard, but they kinda remind me some oldschool horror movie themes and such, do you guys know similar style melodies from somewhere? or can you explaine me what is going on there? :) sorry about my english, not so god at it.

I think you're mistaking melodies for riffs, at least based on the songs you listed. Their style changed a lot over time and most likely reflects whatever type of music Laiho is into at the time of writing. Hence, the overt influence of Scandinavian black and death metal on the Inearthed demos and first couple of albums. With the synth melodies, at least in the songs that begin with one, I don't think it would be far-fetched to assume some were influenced by horror films, given the resemblance. A lot of the lead guitar melodies in the older material were influenced by classical. He's a classically trained guitarist, if I recall correctly. Also, he borrowed many of his lead tricks from Steve Vai.

Just my speculation as a former Laiho fanboy (circa 2007).
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I think you're mistaking melodies for riffs, at least based on the songs you listed. Their style changed a lot over time and most likely reflects whatever type of music Laiho is into at the time of writing. Hence, the overt influence of Scandinavian black and death metal on the Inearthed demos and first couple of albums. With the synth melodies, at least in the songs that begin with one, I don't think it would be far-fetched to assume some were influenced by horror films, given the resemblance. A lot of the lead guitar melodies in the older material were influenced by classical. He's a classically trained guitarist, if I recall correctly. Also, he borrowed many of his lead tricks from Steve Vai.

Just my speculation as a former Laiho fanboy (circa 2007).
Thanks, that was nice speculation
power is way gayer than them

Children of Bodom's music basically is power metal in structure and style aside from the minor death metal influence that mainly only manifests in the vocals. If you like the melodies in Children of Bodom, you probably should be listening to modern commercial Euro power metal.
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I still do like Bodom's first three plus Blooddrunk (Follow the Reaper is fun as fuck, haters can cheech on my pant antler), but you have to admit it's like cotton candy; totally bad for you but fun on occasion.
TBH, you're no different and neither am I man.

Our vices are just shitty goregrind and the like, instead of pop music.

Fuck off, I listen to pop music too. I spend more time listening to Rick James and Wacko Jacko than metal in general.

But I see a huge difference between say Lord Gore and a metal band that sucks unironically.

Edit: also, I don't listen to much of anything for fun. I take most of what I listen to 100% seriously.
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@Hardcore SM In all seriousness, he does blatantly rip off a lot of Dissection. I mean...I like Hatebreeder but nothing else. A lot of the other albums are just really cringy.
Children of Bodom has never sounded as bad to me as everyone says they're supposed to, but I've never listened to a full album. What I've heard is much thrashier than people give them credit for.
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The older stuff has more tolerable production, but its never really been their strong point.

The only reason why I would ever listen to this band anymore is out of nostalgia. They were after all the first band ive ever moshed to, and I love moshing. Otherwise even the older material underwhelms me these days.
i wouldve thought their main inspiration on a melodic level is neoclassical/symphonic power metal stuff. they're less inspired by that now (and a lot shittier to boot) than they were originally though so it depends which era we're talking. their early stuff is dumb but not particularly offensive to me.
I listen to COB every once in a while for some stupid fun. What can I say? They're catchy. But I would never put them on any kind of list of great achievements in metal.

I feel like I'm too old nowadays to have that "posercrushing" attitude and get all pissy about a band not making transcendent Hyperborean metal art or whatever the fuck.