Lamb of god/Fear Factory/Children of bodom - Oct 9 at Harpo's in Detroit.

I saw the first few songs of LOG's set. They are pretty good. They sound twice as heavy, the singer is no joke(\m/), and their intro music was awesome.

And since FF are one of my favorite bands, I'm sure seeing them would be awesome for me. Bell and Herrera live = teh own.
Jean-Pierre said:
Wow dude, your band sounds A LOT like Exhorder. I'm liking this. I'll be seeing you guys open that show, being in Detroit and all.

Cool man, come say hello after we are done. :kickass:
The online tickets will be available until the 1st of oct, after that you will have to email me. The door that night will be $23.
DAMN IT the closest is Denver Coloroado..... damnnit im turning 17 oct 28..... its the 24th.... fuck this im gonna go.... screw my parents and that dumb shit i am going to see fear factory... *undercurrent fav song.. * Lamb of god - Just pure fucking madness! * and COB.... i feel like i have been needled 24/7!!!! AH MUST GOOOOO
Jean-Pierre said:
Can't be as bad as The Masquerade when I lived in GA.

I heard somewhere there say this about the Masquerade. Would you explain what's bad about it? I've been several times, but I wouldn't know because I don't really have much to compare it to.
Barking Pumpkin said:
I heard somewhere there say this about the Masquerade. Would you explain what's bad about it? I've been several times, but I wouldn't know because I don't really have much to compare it to.

Well, the Cotton Club in Atlanta was even worse...but both places were pretty much matchboxes, not to mention that one instance when the stairs collapsed at the Masq. :|
sweet majestic darkness said:
Harpo's is in a shitty part of town, sometimes they have technical difficulties on stage, but mainly the sound coming from the stage is awesome. This show is going to fucking RIP! I have never seen LOG or FF before. Bodom was alright, they acted like a bunch of 80's rock stars though HAHA.

Your here to? Girl you do get around....Hahahahaaaa

Are you following me? ;)