landing onthe moon fake????

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Technology is dangerous, and it shall destroy us. Think about artificial life. Matrix anybody. In fact, we might of already invented AI, and they took over and now we are living an artificial life. hmmm.
saw this on another message board

Is this real?

Reality is constructed by our perception
Our perception is subjective
Our perception is imaginary
Subjective perception is abstract
Subjective perception is a deceitful looking glass
Perception adds nothing to everything
Perception is everything to us
Representing absolutly everything for us
What is represented is not as it is but as we determine it to be
What we are seeing as real is in reality imaginary
Our imagination makes it real

I think therefor I am
Thought is subjective
Thought is dependent on our perception
Thought is what we want it to be
Thus thought is not real
I think therefor I am [real]
Thought is not real
You cannot have something come from something imaginary
Imagined reality does not represent reality
Reality represents imagined reality
Reality is imaginary
Reality is not real

Nothing is real.
This is not real.
I just can't believe that people have to be convinced over and over again on this topic. It's ridiculous. The fucking American government could be putting all that money into improving schools, not spending billions of dollars to prove that the moon landing happened. If people believe that people went into space and are able to land safely back on Earth, why is it so hard to believe that people could land on the moon. AGGGGG, FUCK THIS GOD DAMN STUPID ASS REPUBLICAN REGIME. Ok, now I feel better.
@ leafblower....Well I'm sorry that you think I'm such an idiot...But answer me this teacher, why haven't we been back to the moon? Why build a space station in "space" and not on the moon? And why has Russia not put anyone on the moon? Their space program has advanced enough...if you have links to answer these questions I would like to read them...
And as to believing everything I see on TV....PAHLEEEZE...since the landings were shown on TV...well, that brings that argument full circle, nevermind.
Even Gus Grissom's widow claims he was murdered for his knowledge about the lunar landings....

I don't know man, I just don't think it really happened. I too will wait for the telescopic evidence.
I say we should first fully explore our own planet, especially our oceans which are left pretty unexplored and then move on to other planets. Although the moon is not a planet.
What about Mars landings? If a robot can be sent to mars, I would think it would be just as easy to send a man to the moon. So is the mars rover faked? Why not fake that but fake the moon landing?

I would like to see someone on the moon again though. Even if it wasnt really done the first time, it could be done even better now. Unless maybe they're afraid of once they get there people will want to see pictures of the US flag, which was never there to begin with :lol:

But they do say its pointless sending someone to the moon again. Just a waste of money, since I guess there's no real objective to get out of it for the present, until they learn to harvest the ice to refuel space rockets.
Originally posted by retarded penguin
naw, Mankind seems to be evolving rather quickly in terms of technology.

Id say no more than 500 years till we're on mars.

hell, there are already prototypes of hover cars.

hahah, dude, we will be on mars a lot sooner than that. If we haevnt already been there. NAd we will be living on mars a lot sooner than that publicly as well.

What i ment was the point will be sharp in around 3 billion yrs, cause that when its going to be a nesecity to live on mars, due to the diameter the sun will reach by that time.
Originally posted by ledmag
What i ment was the point will be sharp in around 3 billion yrs, cause that when its going to be a nesecity to live on mars, due to the diameter the sun will reach by that time.

Don't see how that's important since we all here will be dead in 50 or 60, 70, 10, or 5 years and the rest of mankind will be lucky if they survive for a few more thousand years...
Well in that case, our little ones will die in a 100 years. Big deal. I don't see why we should give a damn for future generations anyway. Nobody gave a damn for us seeing how fucked up the earth is now.
"Don't see how that's important since we all here will be dead in 50 or 60, 70, 10, or 5 years and the rest of mankind will be lucky if they survive for a few more thousand years..."

Yep, we won't be here in billions. Humans as a species have only been around for like 30000 years, and thats nothing. One thing we need to desperately stop doing is trying to save endangered animals. We need to let the weak die and let the animals that can survive live. I doubt society will make it more than a couple thousand years before we nuke the world. Then of course all that'll be left is cocroaches, and more will evolve from them. I would be amazed if the humans could destroy the earth enough to take out all bacteria too.
MIC, and G>>you 2 fuckers are selfish.

WHy dont you and both your families just go jump off a fuckin cliff right now, and just get it over with. You guys could could make room for more of us other ppl.

MICEAL>>>ANd just for the record, i would say that if we (humans) do blow the fuck out of the earth, it will be a bit sooner than a few fuckin thousand yrs.

ANd to destroy all bact, we would haev to pretty much turn the earth back to a boiling glob of molten lava.

And did you mean to say you would be amazed if humans destroyed all bact? Or did you mean to say you wouldnt be amazed?

YEah, we havent been walkin around this ball that long, but the dinos lived for MILLIONS of yrs. Just think, if we do make it that far. Im sure we will be evolved into higher thinking creatures, and maybe even look different. And it may be due to the fact that we did space travel, and moon landings, and ETC.
Oh yeah MIC>>some of those endangered species are on the list cause if us humans. SO, its our job to fix it. If an animal goes out naturaly, then thats nature. It was ment to be.

SHit dude, use your fuckin head here.
"it will be a bit sooner than a few fuckin thousand yrs. "

At the rate we're evolving now, you're right.

"Or did you mean to say you wouldnt be amazed?"

I said I would be, kind of like you said. I don't think we have the knowledge to destroy everything, but I bet we could take a lot with us.

"but the dinos lived for MILLIONS of yrs"

I don't get how we've lived this long, we're such a useless species. One little things goes wrong and we're dead. Dinosaurs were the way to go. Who needs a brain when all you need is some big ass teeth and thick skin. Only reason they're gone is the climate change. If there was a climate change now we'd probably die too.

Note:I need to find a way of spelling mike or michael that hasn't been taken and isn't missing letters. Maybe some symbols or something....
Originally posted by mik
"it will be a bit sooner than a few fuckin thousand yrs. "

At the rate we're evolving now, you're right.

**i was talkin about the nuking us out sooner. but yeah, we are eveolving, everyday. SLowly, but surely. As for teh nukes, and teh doomsday. We are a class 3 civ. On the edge of self destruction. If we make to a class one, we will be safe. Class one, is, being nuclear, but no weapons.**

"Or did you mean to say you wouldnt be amazed?"

I said I would be, kind of like you said. I don't think we have the knowledge to destroy everything, but I bet we could take a lot with us.

***I agree**

"but the dinos lived for MILLIONS of yrs"

I don't get how we've lived this long, we're such a useless species. One little things goes wrong and we're dead. Dinosaurs were the way to go. Who needs a brain when all you need is some big ass teeth and thick skin. Only reason they're gone is the climate change. If there was a climate change now we'd probably die too.

**Well, we could survive the same weather change that could have killed the dinos(remember, it could have been a comet, or a meteorite). We are warm blooded. SO if it gets extremly cold, then some of us will make it. You know scientist have proven that we can enter and exit a complete global ice age in around 4 yrs. And you do know that if an extreme heat phase were to come into effect, the floating ice masses melt, sea level will go down ........right? The only thing to worry about is the ice on the land. I think we have a good chance of making it if we dont blow ourselves up. ANd at the same time, we havnt done it yet, so noone really knows if everyone will die. Hell, lots could live, and reproduce. A huge crash from a rock is more to worry about in my opinion once/if we ever get to the class ONE civ**

Note:I need to find a way of spelling mike or michael that hasn't been taken and isn't missing letters. Maybe some symbols or something....

***You came across differntly in your other post in this thread, thus my smart ass comments. ...WHy not just be MY NAME IS MIC or IM MIK, or something?
"**i was talkin about the nuking us out sooner. but yeah, we are eveolving, everyday. SLowly, but surely. As for teh nukes, and teh doomsday. We are a class 3 civ. On the edge of self destruction. If we make to a class one, we will be safe. Class one, is, being nuclear, but no weapons.**"

If you think, in medieval times there weren't ways to wipe out areas the size of our cities at once. One way of the population is evolving is our technology advancing, and a huge part of that is weaponry. It'll get to the point where we could probably take out a country with a missle, so we'll be able to blow up the earth (well, the surface, soon). That, or since technology is advancing exponetially, we'll get to the point where we won't be able to utilize technology before there is something better and I think there's a chance that'll kill us.
If I know Im going crazy, I must not be insane

I wonder oftenly, .......
Originally posted by micheal
"**i was talkin about the nuking us out sooner. but yeah, we are eveolving, everyday. SLowly, but surely. As for teh nukes, and teh doomsday. We are a class 3 civ. On the edge of self destruction. If we make to a class one, we will be safe. Class one, is, being nuclear, but no weapons.**"

If you think, in medieval times there weren't ways to wipe out areas the size of our cities at once. One way of the population is evolving is our technology advancing, and a huge part of that is weaponry. It'll get to the point where we could probably take out a country with a missle, so we'll be able to blow up the earth (well, the surface, soon). That, or since technology is advancing exponetially, we'll get to the point where we won't be able to utilize technology before there is something better and I think there's a chance that'll kill us.

YEah, no way to wipe out huge land masses in medieval times, but they could wipe out the population rather quickly. iTs agood thing they didnt. Germ warfare existed then aswell. Small pocks on blankets handed out for FREE to the needy. Little boxes full of the plague.

I agree, TEch may start evolving faster than we can use it, and then there will be too much room for mistake, and that could trigger the end. Chances are, we will never make it to a class 1, but i hope we do.
Humans shall never be civilized. We never have been and will never be. Too many of us have different views then others and we can't just agree to disagree, it always breaks out into war. A lot of other things cause violence, and it has always been like that. The only thing that has changed is the methods of war.