Cool Space Pics

The North Star now has two companions!
Scientists can finally figure out the mass of the North Star, or Polaris, after the Hubble Telescope has captured the first image of a hidden second companion of the North Star, U.S. astronomers said on Monday.

With the image of Polaris Ab, astronomers estimated the mass of the North Star at about four times that of our sun. The North Star, more than 2,000 times brighter than the sun, has been used by men as a navigation aid.

The image released Monday displayed a little, faint dwarf star, which is just 3.2 billion km from the North Star. Scientists have detected its presence from its gravity effect upon the North Star, but never seen it.

North Star's first companion, Polaris B, has been known since 1780 and can easily be seen with a smaller telescope.

Astronomers presented the results at the 207th meeting of the American Astronomical Society on Monday.

Source: Xinhua

You can enlarge the pic there.
Hails! Been a while... Check this puppy out from the Space Colonization Movement at Megaweb: home of Metal Mega as well...
Just arrived yesterday, kickass to the upmost:


NASA Cassini Image: An Infrared Movie of Titan

"This movie of Titan shows data taken with Cassini's visual and infrared mapping
during the last three flybys of Titan. The flybys took place on Oct. 28, 2005,
Dec. 26, 2005, and
Jan. 15, 2006. These false-color images were taken at wavelengths of 1.6 microns
shown in blue,
2.01 microns in green and 5 microns in red."