Your writing

I'm at school right now, but I'll have two new reviews for you guys when I get home. Good stuff Marduk. I have to admit, I'm growing kind of tired of the word "crimson", but I'll look at it in more depth when I get home :)
Neither have I.

Do any of you have stuff you've written about beautiful stuff you've seen? I'm kinda getting a little tired of all the "dark despair" (Not saying that that's all there is here, but I'm just kinda in the mood for "happy" stuff

Thanks :wave:
:OMG: You read my mind. I love that "nothing can hold you back" kind of feeling and how you can still incorporate "dark" words and come out with a happy feeling :)
Wanna come over? (Directed at rampage but hey, I'll take anything)

*turns caps lock on* O RLY? GG THEN :/ *realizes he used shift*
Throughout history, humans have invented. Not out of pleasure, mind you, out of necessity. Each invention, however, becomes less of a necessity and more of an added bonus. It is human nature, though, to make themselves need these added bonuses and stoop down lower, peppering each new generation with staples such as cars, TVs and cell phones. Eventually, certain things become second nature, like the car. By eighteen, most teenagers have a car of their own and without question, fill up their gas tank perhaps twice a week. What does it matter how this fuel is obtained? What does it matter that, perhaps, they don’t even need a car? What does it matter that there are dozens of alternatives to transportation? They’ve seen their parents driving their entire lives, so why not them? If the people can’t figure this out for themselves, why isn’t the hierarchy pointing this out? Well, there is money to be made, and who would throw a perfectly good opportunity to make billions out the window?


Cars (and other petroleum based products, for that matter) have been around for almost a century now and it didn’t become a problem to fuel them until 1951, when the elected leader of Iran, Mossadegh, nationalized Iran’s oil due to failed negotiations to raise the price. The western world knew of the problems this would produce, so they organized a coup d’etat to overthrow the democratic government and put in the puppet, Reza Pahlavi. His popularity slowly declined, and a revolution broke out, headed by Ayatollah Khomeni. All relations the western world had with Iran were obliterated and they have never been fully rebuilt.

After the revolution, Iraq (led by Saddam Hussein) saw an opportunity to seize disputed land. He believed that Iran would be weak after the revolution and that he could take land that he thought was rightfully Iraq’s. The British and the US were now enemies with Iran and encouraged Iraq to start this war over the land, even giving them intelligence and weapons of mass destruction (sound familiar?). Iraq was weak and had no power, so it gladly accepted this opportunity. The war was horrific, leaving millions dead and accomplishing nothing. What was left now was a tyrant in power with our weapons and “american” oil.


With the end of world war two, came the cold war. Many bloody wars were fought, including The Soviet Unions defeat to the Afghani’s. The nation of Afghanistan was by no means a military power. In fact, they got all of their weapons from, you guessed it, the USA. It took quite some time, but eventually the Soviets were driven away, leaving a war torn country with many factions trying to take power. Fighting broke out in Afghanistan after the war, and a group named the Taliban took control.


More recently, Saddam Hussein has angered the West, with weapons that we supplied him with. We mainly fought to recover these, get oil and put in democracy (which we so blatantly disregarded fifty years earlier). One could argue that this isn’t even democracy since we are not allowing the elected official to take office.

Now the most important is our upcoming conflict with Iran. We believe they will make nuclear bombs, which would be a direct violation of a treaty they signed saying they can only make nuclear power for civilians. Ironically, we are helping India manufacture nuclear reactors/ bombs even though we said we wouldn’t help build any nuclear powers.

Sorry, I just threw this together, I really don't like the writing. There is tons more stuff to this, just ask away. This is just a discussion starter.
Give me the key to the divine
A Blaphemous call that strayed behind
What can you speak of the outside?
Does it reflect that which you see?

This crown that I keep
Does not give me a second to weep
For what have you given to me?
For where is this brightness that you seek?

Strengthen the weak post
The whisper said disaster
Give haste to this dirty water
For that reflection can no be mine

Ehh, for school. First try. Is this going to get me a good grade?