6 Stringed Fingers
EditablePoly 1
To my beloved:
In the deep of the night
when all is asleep and I, alone
the thought of you, it heals me.
The moon tells me of your beauty
The winds, they bring me your voice
and when your words resonate
again they fill me with your joys
I count each sand grain of time
of being without your presence
and when the sun rises again
it would carry my love to you.
In the deep of the night
when all is asleep and I, alone
the thought of you, it heals me.
The moon tells me of your beauty
The winds, they bring me your voice
and when your words resonate
again they fill me with your joys
I count each sand grain of time
of being without your presence
and when the sun rises again
it would carry my love to you.