yep that's the same one! it does many things indeed, except zooming in too close and reducing noise at the high iso rates in the poor light conditions
But during Borknagar concert i used the wrong settings, with too high iso, which gave me extremely noisy result
the problem of noise is nearly with every camera. also with mine, which is not a compact one, but a reflex (but not professional).
it's advisable not to shoot with more than 400 iso, at least with 800, but in desperate situations, like if you cannot use the flash, but there will be a lot of noise. mine has also 1600 and 3200 iso but i never tried them, and never will
i'm afraid of results
the best thing you can do in bad light conditions is to have an higher aperture, the higher your camera allows, which is the number with the " f ", the smaller is the f-number the opener is the diaphragm, so you will catch more light you can (f3.5 is bigger than f5.6, so you will have brighter photos with the first option)
i don't know if your camera has some kind of manual settings, the newest cameras usually have some choices other than automatic. just have some shots and look what happens.
or you can play with the exposition time to have lighter photos.
this is the other value you can change on your camera, it represents how long the exposition lasts, it can last from 1/4000 (some cameras have also 1/8000) of second to 30 seconds.
of course the longer it is, more light enters into the objective.
but you have to take care about the shaking of the camera.
there's a general law you can follow to be sure you will not have waved photos, and it 1/the length of your obiective.
for example if you have a 5X which is approximatly 180 mm you are sure to have a non-waved picture using a time of exposition of 1/180 which doesn't exist, so you can try with 1/200. but if your using your camera without any zoom you can use a time exposition of about 1/20 - 1/30 of second without any problems, but well, a lot dipends also if you have hands that shake or not.
those two settings can help you a lot during live shows. just give a try and let me know if the photos come out good.