landscapes from your country

wow this amazing too!!!!
a different style but equally beautiful :)
it is, I should say, more elegant than our castles, we are more used to this kind of medieval rough castles :p
that's because the way Örebro castle looks today is the result of rebuilding program of the castle in the 16th century. The old stone stronghold that was there since the 13th century was transformed into a magnificent Renaissance castle. The history of Örebro Castle

Although it's still beautiful, but i also prefer the medieval rough castles, they look so much more sinister :) those pictures you posted are great, you are lucky to live near such places!
that's because the way Örebro castle looks today is the result of rebuilding program of the castle in the 16th century. The old stone stronghold that was there since the 13th century was transformed into a magnificent Renaissance castle. The history of Örebro Castle

Although it's still beautiful, but i also prefer the medieval rough castles, they look so much more sinister :) those pictures you posted are great, you are lucky to live near such places!

what i love is their strenght. they are still there, nearly flawless, after centuries of wars, attacks, bad weather conditions, erosion of time.
what they comunicate to me is eternity and stability. it's a nice thought to know that they will be still there in the future....for how many years still?
it is wonderful to walk their streets and floors, and imagine how life was at that time, how many people walked the same ground.
and they are usually in higher positions, upon hills or mountains, because from there they could watch the land and be ready to attack or defend if the enemy was approaching. so you can always gaze at such beautiful panoramas from there.
autumn colours in our forest







beautiful pics Elvina :)

some of my country, Chile is divided in North, Center and South.

From North - Atacama Desert


From Center - Elqui Valley


From South:

Iceberg in San Rafael Lake

Glacier in San Rafael Lake

Old Italian architechture :worship:
Often when you see beautiful buildings you forget that people have actually built them, like try and imagine how a cathedral is built, what amazing skill and craftmanship it must've taken.
I realized that this thread is back...and I could post pics from my bus trip to Vancouver! (Basically, I went from Seattle to Vancouver, BC using city and county buses and trains only. Hilarity ensues.)

(and I apologize for the quality; I used my phone as the camera.)

This is at the Light Rail station, which is three blocks from my house in Seattle, WA. Yes, at 5:15 am. The guy in the lower left hand corner unsuccessfully tried to flirt with me.

Then, I made it to the bus station at the Everett Transit Center, in Everett, WA. It's still dark out.

When I got a little further to Bellingham, WA, I stopped for a soy latte. We take our coffee seriously here, the most skilled (and pretentious) baristas love doing 'latte art'.

Did I say 'seriously'? How about 'we are maniacal and obsessed over all things caffeinated'? Western Washington is the home of hundreds of 'espresso shacks', which are literally shacks on the side of the road that sell espresso drinks and maybe pastries. This one, also in Bellingham, WA, is open 24 hours.

Here is a shot from the bus that took me from Bellingham, WA to Blaine, WA. It was cool and rainy for the entire trip. The other passengers in the photo? They were traveling back after a shopping trip. They also make the trip often.

This is the Peace Arch, an international park on the border of the USA and Canada. This is also where I got stopped by nervous (and armed) US Border Guards, as I was headed the 'wrong way' to Canada. (I thought I had to walk through the park to go to the pedestrian Customs entrance; instead I needed to follow a trail, then a road.)

Oh hey! Here we go! There's Canada! The building in the distance to the right is Customs.

If you're still lost, here's a helpful sign.

Thank you, helpful sign! O HAI, CANADA!

Now that I'm in the Canadian Province of British Columbia, now I have to walk to the next bus stop. This is the path I walked down for a mile or so, until I got there.

Landscapes? How about boring ones? This is thrill-a-minute White Rock, British Columbia. The rain hadn't stopped yet. This is also at around 2:30 pm. Technically daylight, but still dark out.

But hey! Eventually, I made it to Vancouver, BC! Here's a shot of Commercial Drive, a busy, hip neighborhood in Vancouver.

Someday, I want to make the trip again, but when it's sunny out! :lol:

And here's a link to the complete Flickr! set:
a little trip i did to camaiore, a city near mine, which is born in roman times, in fact its name comes from "campus maior"
this is what i mean when i say i like old buildings :lol:

some nature around (it was a misty and rainy and very cold day)

wow! very nice! i especially like that blueish tree photo! :)
did you use HDR technique on the first photo?

no, i just pushed the contrast to the maximum. the beautiful ancient bricks pattern have done the rest :p
i'm not yet convinced about HDR, i's weird, and destroys reality more then every post-production you can do. the result is a little bit too artificial, and it's also boring to do, cause first you need a tripod, then you have do to mutiple expositions trying to catch the higher quantity of light you can ( for example you have to make a right esposition for the lights, not caring about the rest, then a right exposition for middle tones, and then agian a right esposition for shadows without caring if the light parts come out overexposed), then you have to blend all together.
no....i'm not ready for this :)
well maybe it sounded a little bit strong when i've said that hdr destroys reality more then post production...what i want to say is that when you do a postproduction you can change a lot of things, like colour balance, exposition, contrast, luminosity, you can have a b/w photo, and you can adjust a lot errors and try to get a better photo, cause sometimes some light conditions are really impossible to shot correctly. but with every kind of change you can do you will not change the relationship between light and shadows, or least not so heavily. it is true, you can darken light colours, or you can brighten dark colours but there's a limit you cannot pass.
with hdr this limit is passed totally.
for example if you are into a church and you want a take a picture of the inside including a wall with a window you have two choices. usually into churches the light is very low, so you can deicide to have a right exposition of the room and you will have an overexposition where there is the window, or you can choose to have the right exposition of the window and have heavy shadows on the walls around the window.
no matter how you will try to adjust this in post production, the window will be always overexposed in the first case and the wall underexposed in the second case...
with hdr you bypass the problem (instead of calculating the 2 values of exposition and have a middle one, as usually photographers do) because you take both expositions and you blend them togheter. so you will have a right exposed window and a right exposed wall, but this in not reality, because you have been to a church and you know that the light inside the church is low, and the light that comes from windows if very strong, so this way, with the hdr, in my opinion you loose the atmosphere of the place...

edit. wow wiki makes the same example.

various expositions

the hdr

of course this tecnic opens borders never seen before, and it's surely very fashinating

these photos are amazing....




...but again not real...seems 3D
yay! this thread lives again :)
very nice wintry pictures! me jealous, i wish we had some snow like that here now, it's all melted :( in fact i already can smell the spring in the air, and hear some early birds chirping... so much for the winter... :(
yay! this thread lives again :)
very nice wintry pictures! me jealous, i wish we had some snow like that here now, it's all melted :( in fact i already can smell the spring in the air, and hear some early birds chirping... so much for the winter... :(

I'd give an eye to have spring here now. I'm getting tired of walking in this dirty mix of snow, sand and exhaust.