Laney Ironheart Studio


Prettiest Hair Around
Oct 31, 2006
I am seriously considering getting one of those amps for recording and home use. The features are awesome with the internal dummy load and 1 or 15 watt setting. Plus I can put it in my rack which will save a lot of space for my small bedroom studio. I've heard some good tones from it and the Ironheart 120 watt head which is the same sound but more watts and different power tubes. Has anyone here played any of the Ironheart amps? I know Monuments and Chimp Spanner use the Studio version and killswitch engage used the bigger head version (in combination with another amp) on their newest album.

Here is a video showcasing the Ironheart Studio from Monuments

Here is one from Keith Merrow showcasing the Ironheart 120 head

Chimp Spanner has a song playthrough where he uses the Ironheart studio direct with a cab sim.

Here is the video

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I'm in the same situation as you, played it a few weeks ago and it sounds killer.

I'm just not sure how well does it translate to direct recording. Would it sound more natural and "real" than amp sims?
well Chimp Spanner has a song playthrough where he uses the Ironheart studio direct with a cab sim.

Here is the video

I wanted something that I can use both with a cab and direct in with impulses and this seems like the best option for me. I think I have decided and am going to buy it soon! I can't wait. I already have a Genz Benz GFlex 2x12 cab that I can pair it with. I also plan on using my Pod HD500 with it via the 4 cable method
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I'm in the same situation as you, played it a few weeks ago and it sounds killer.

I'm just not sure how well does it translate to direct recording. Would it sound more natural and "real" than amp sims?

Further to this, does is sound and feel (to play) £350 to £400 more expensive than the paid and free amp sims respectively? That is the market they are targeting, a clever move.

This will likely be my big purchase for next year so I'll be heading in to a music shop to try it out and find out for myself soon enough. That is if I can stop myself GASing over an RG2228!!
well I like how it sounds direct now that I've had the IRT Studio now for a week or so. I just like having a real amp I can play through a cab a well as miking up. Here is a clip of it through a cab with a 57 and e609. This is low volume at 1 watts.

I will eventually do another test with it direct in with impulses.
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This will likely be my big purchase for next year so I'll be heading in to a music shop to try it out and find out for myself soon enough. That is if I can stop myself GASing over an RG2228!!

Have you tried the newer RG852's? I own the version with the black limba top and it's awesome with a nazgul/sentient pickup combo.