LANEY VH100 R Clips


Nov 14, 2006
I just bought a Laney VH 100R used for around 500 Euro and today I recorded some clips. These clips were recorded with a very cheap guitar tuned to b through a marshall cab loaded with celestion greenbacks (although they are not green but they are called g12m...maybe someone has an idea what the story to these speakers is?!).

Anyway, these are the results:

1 x SM57, no eq: test/Laney VH 100R_RAW.mp3

same but with Waves-RenEq: test/Laney VH 100R_EQ

2 x SM57 same eq: test/Laney VH 100R_Fredman_EQ

all 4 tracks same eq: test/Laney VH 100R_4tracks_EQ

Here is the eq-setting:
Sounds alright I suppose. Needs some work though, it sounds as though you're playing through the neck pickup :lol:. Cool riff though when you start doing the trem picking at the end.

Sure, the equailizing is just to show a little bit of what can be done with the raw tone. And I remember a thread loooooong time ago when somebody wanted to hear a raw tone from a Laney VH 100R.

The riff unfortunately is not mine. :erk:

It´s Amon Amarth. :headbang:
Just out of curiosity, what kind of pickups are you using? Kinda sounds like my guitar, that's why I'm asking....
The guitar was just a Les Paul Custom copy made by Keiper. Absolutely no-name. I bought it from ebay for 90 Euro NEW!!!
Yes, I used the bridge pickup. Bass at 10 at the Laney, Mids at 4-5. Maybe I´ll post a clip with less bass tomorrow if I find the time.

I found the time right now: test/Laney_bassless.mp3

Bass=3, Mids=0
Still pulled out some bass and mids at mixdown. One riff is played with the cheap LP copy the other one also with a cheap guitar loaded with EMG 707. Guess which....:loco: