Laptop recommendations?

Macbook Pro is the way to go in the long run.

1.more expansion via the expresscard than even the Imac.- ie add another FW bus or eSata card for a dedicated bus for your HD's.
2.You have dual monitor capability (macbook/Imac too) + dedicated video card in the Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT 256Vram(512 top end) decent for games.
3.Bootcamp allows OSX/WinXP to be used, just select which you use and off you go.I picked up OEM winXp home for 89 bux at Mwave.
4.WinXp is rock solid on my MBP(when i can afford to Samplitude 10 will be my DAW on that side).Logic Pro 7.2.3 on OSX.Truly the best of both worlds in one mobile machine.

just some +'s