Lars Gets Pissy Again

yeah, I see the humour in it - I think it's pretty funny.

But If my band was mentioned by the army as being "used" for that sort of stuff I would wanna be asked first, y'know? - It instantly associates you with the torture or idealism of the army's/Countries cause - even if you don;t agree with it -

I have my own views on the war - BUT

Lars *gulp* has a point....

Bring on the new tour say! - as long as they play shit off "Lightning"

schindlers_fist said:
But where are the weapons, where...are...the...weapons?

anyone who thinks saddam doesnt have weapons of mass destruction are hiding under a rock,he has had plenty of time to hide them but the mighty usa will find them one day!!!
I think Lars is a whiny little bitch, but if you look at Metallica's history they have never ever been supporters of war. All you have to do is look at Disposable Heroes and One or check out the cover to Master and it is quite clear. In fact, many heavy metal bands like Slayer and Megadeth have also voiced their opinion that war is pretty shitty in many ways. Obviously, I am certain they would always support America and the troops but they have a general anti-war stance and it's not surprising to me at all that Lars would have a bad opinion of this. However, he does state "what can you do?" In the 80's they played a lot of AC/DC in Panama to get Noriega out of his house. (keep him from sleeping and stuff) I think AC/DC blew it off and thought it was kind of funny. Either way, what can you do?

Personally, I'd play a lot of Cannibal Corpse instead of Metallica if I wanted to break somebody down.
schindlers_fist said:
I'm pretty sure if, say, Dave Mustaine was pissed because they used Megadeth songs for tourture. You would all agree with him.

No. Dave's kind of a prick. So we wouldn't agree with him.
We'd agree with Charlie Benante though.
Hey, I'm not pro war, gut there are PPL living on this earth who should not be. These are PPL w/ tons of money and slues of mad followers. i say, deplete their bank accounts and take the cash and see how far these PPL follow '

But, I restect STU on this too. He gave no opinion. If you are an entertainer in any aspect of the public eye, it's smart to not voice your views. Good or bad - there will be backlash. A lot of huge music and film megastars could learn a lesson from this.

Of course I could just be a jackass and I'm probably taking Stus post out of context. If I am then "Fuck me in the goat ASS!"

- Gregadeth
I could agree with lars if he said "I don't want my music used a s aweapon of terror" but appearantly he doesn't care about that. He's taking it personally. He's pissed for the wrong reason. But yeah he is right though. Death Metal would work a hell of alot better. I bet fter a few run throughs the prisoners laugh at thier captors and say "Metallica is nothing like what they used to be. play some kill em all!"
yeah dave mustain is kinda egotistical.
This has nothing to do with the war or his music being used 'as a weapon'. It has everything to do with the fact that the Metallica name was used in public and no one slipped him a $20. The original article also listed Barney and Sesame Street as being used. Lars just heard his name on the news one day and his head popped up and he decided that he'd better make some kind of statement because that's what he does. Before his little comment people were laughing about the fact that they're using Barney, now it's a Metallica controversy.
I think Lars is a whiny little bitch, but if you look at Metallica's history they have never ever been supporters of war. All you have to do is look at Disposable Heroes and One or check out the cover to Master and it is quite clear. In fact, many heavy metal bands like Slayer and Megadeth have also voiced their opinion that war is pretty shitty in many ways. Obviously, I am certain they would always support America and the troops but they have a general anti-war stance and it's not surprising to me at all that Lars would have a bad opinion of this. However, he does state "what can you do?" In the 80's they played a lot of AC/DC in Panama to get Noriega out of his house. (keep him from sleeping and stuff) I think AC/DC blew it off and thought it was kind of funny. Either way, what can you do?

Personally, I'd play a lot of Cannibal Corpse instead of Metallica if I wanted to break somebody down.

I think "Disposable Heros" is more anti-draft than antiwar. Granted it doesn't place the most positive spin on war either.
ThraxDude said:
The weapons that we know Saddam had? The ones that he was supposed to prove to us that he destroyed?
We know he had them. And we never saw him destroy them....

And, personally, we should have kicked his ass out of there whether he had weapons or not.
Now we need an unjust war on North Korea......

hehehe i like the attitude and am all for north korea getting blown off the earth but how the hell do they go about it?