Lasse Lammert Rig Pack for Kemper

Lasse, did you already profile through a lowpass? I have no idea how you get the himid bump with the right amount of highs for a mix with micing alone...your profiles helped me a bit to get my own micing a bit closer to "mix ready", but I still have no idea how you do it :lol:

Awesome profiles, and also they've re-sparked my love for the 1960AV/BV. Totally digging the shotgunblast.
My other favos are the marshalls I think.

Some micing tips would be very nice, clean and distortion wise speaking =)
I wanted to say that I'm receiving my Kemper this week, and a large part of why I bought one was because quality profiles like this are available. The Kemper is the such an amazing device, and I'm beyond stoaked to reamp shit with these profiles.
Funny thing is that I bought my Kemper because these profiles were the last arguments for me. While I agree that the most "pro" way to use it is making your own custom stuff.... damn, I just love playing "into" Lasse's profiles.
Kemper should present you another amp, Lasse. Your profiles are keeping their sales up!
^For me it's the other way around, I really love how mix ready the profiles are, but for playing alone I dig profiles that don't nearly sit as nicely in a mix (read my own haha).
I guess because they are closer to what you hear when you play your setup in the room...
For playing along to backingtracks tho they slay of course.
Hi Lasse. What are your thoughts on the new LFC feature? Have you tried your profiles with the improved low frequency response? Do you think it messes your tones or it is just right?
I wouldn't say best, because some of the paid packs sound pretty damn good, but they're definitely near the top. Between the Lasse, Ola, Fluff, and Till profiles you can cover pretty much any sound you might want.
well...I've talked to Kemper about a 2.0 at some point actually...
dunno, haven't thought about it in a while.

LFC: definitely leave it OFF!
yes, the profiling was sometimes a bit on the lean side before 2.7, but all profile-makers that are worth their salt compensated for that in the refining process so that the final profile ended up sounding 100% spot on.
So the profiles were created the way they were supposed to sound....switching LFC on is overcompensating for a problem that wasn't there in the first place