Last CD you bought

heidevolk - de strijdlust isgboren
heidevolk - walhalla wacht
ancient rites - diabolical serenades
moonsorrow - suden uni
moonsorrow - kivenkantaja
monnsorrow - V havittetty
they are all beautiful, i've a particular love for rubicon because it was the first album i've heard.
and i like a lot also blasphemia eternal! it's rude and heavy like diabolical but with a much better prodution and sounds.
the first time i've heard it i thought i had an allucination, then i checked the lyrics and discovered he really sings in one point "porcoddio" which is an italian swear words....ahaha fucking hilarious.....that means swine god!!! :lol:
no no...i can assure it means what i've written :lol:

Well in retrospective, it's really clear: porco = pig/swine and dio = god
Of course! :)

I am in this video (1:10 - 1:14)
Headbanging my brains out for some seconds haha

So I had to order the DVD
DORNENREICH - Nachtreisen (DVD in book format)

And this one I also ordered:
Whom the Moon a Nightsong sings (2CD Digibook)

Wish my band Faelwa could featured on that one. But we were too late :(
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i'm with you defiance.
i've seen them twice (not voluntarily of course) and i can get rid of this thought "they injure my ears!!!!" :lol:
the violinst should search another occupation in his life! for sure....
But why, you really don't like it?

Hahaha no no, I forgot to mention that Prophecy made a mistake and sent me two copies. So I have two ltd. Nachtreisen with signed card, and two in Luft Geritz digi with the extra CD. I tried to return it, but it didn't work out.

i'm with you defiance.
i've seen them twice (not voluntarily of course) and i can get rid of this thought "they injure my ears!!!!" :lol:
the violinist should search another occupation in his life! for sure....

Really? Wow, I totally gave the wrong impression here, as I love Dornenreich. It's obviously not as good as Empyrium, but they're a decent successor IMO. The live concert was way worse than I thought to be honest, the 2nd gig is kind of pathetic.

Why do you say the violinist sucks? I think he's quite good. Not Paganini, for sure, but still fine.