I've seen a lot of people in Zaandam, but I'm also too shy to say hi
Huge, HUGE mistake! D: We could have sung our favourite Diabolical Masquerade songs together and annoyed the hell out of Mr. Blakkheim!

I mean, I can even "sing" (almost every) guitar line! ...or we could have just embarrassed ourselves, which would have also been fine! *POUT*
Aww crap

I think I saw you and Cis walking by a Greek restaurant while I was parking my car, but I assumed I'd catch you inside.
That's what they all say *g* I'm glad you also had a good time and enjoyed yourself. See you at the next meet-up, hopefully!
Now it's official: I should have gone to Zandaam. Damn.
...see, while I personally enjoy to meet people from the forum or just fellow fans in general, the most important thing about all this should be the show. Seeing Katatonia live, getting something from the experience and just enjoy yourself (in whatever way, I heard rumours some think that "having fun" is out of question)... walk out afterwards, almost wipe a tear and think "Awww, I'm glad to live on the very planet where they have Katatonia."
So, if you think at least some of this applies to your experience, then it's fine! You can still hang out with everyone online - because I really don't think it's anything elitist as in "You weren't there, you suck." that's just wank.
tl;dr: Don't say you should have gone to Zaandam, when you loved Cologne! <3
Can we all agree that giving the "horns" in every picture is really lame and makes you look like a dork?
I feel like agreeing, but I have to plead guilty myself... but then, I'm a dork anyway so who cares?
Don't be shy! It's ok to say hi to someone you recognize from an internet forum. Seriously.
Yeah, but please don't say "Hey, I think I know you from somewhere"... because the internet isn't "somewhere".
My only regrets:
I only had ~10 Euro to last me until I could get to Amsterdam the next day and exchange some more money, otherwise I would have been much more drunk and would have been buying Patron for everyone else. For whatever reason, my credit card only worked at like 2 of the 12 places in The Netherlands that I tried it at, so all of my cash went FAST.
It sounds incredibly stupid, but you should have said something! (Weren't we talking about money anyways? ;D) Because when I got myself a drink and saw how much I was carrying around...! Too slow, Swany, always too slow. Next time lemme know and I buy you a round!
Loving your pics!!! And Vincent wasn't nervous, if he was nervous, he wouldn't have worn white. Because if he wouldn't have worn white, he wouldn't have stood out like a sore thumb!

(Or maybe he was nervous
because he wore white? o.ô)
@ Anthony3:
To be honest, I'm generally not too fond of people taking plenty of videos at shows (yeah, because some stand there unmoving from start to end and film just EVERYTHING and bitch at you when you accidently touch them... because you messed up their srs bzns pixelated yt video)... but the quality of yours is truly impressive and now I really can't wait for the DVD. Thanks for sharing! ;D