Last night = Best show I've ever seen. EVER!

Never heard of the last band, but Mastodon, BTBAM and Baroness is just an excessively good line up
They were fine. I think it was a 1-night thing when he had his little tantrum. The only problem he was having was he kept having to gesture at the monitor tech to turn stuff up and down so he could hear. I kinda figured Mastodon would be all in-ear by now, but I think the only one using them was Brann. The other 3 were cranking wedges. Stage volume must have been obnoxious, but hey...go with what you know.
I went to a show JUST to see BTBAM once and they got given a 20 minute slot, what do they do? Play swim to the moon, a fucking 17 minute long song... gutted. They could've atleast played white walls
I think they played for almost 45 minutes this time. Mastodon not only played 2 sets (first was Crack The Skye in it's entirety), but they let all 3 openers have decent set lengths. I hate when headliners only allow the openers to play for 20 minutes.
I saw Baroness and Between the Buried and Me a few weeks ago. Had to give major props to their sound guy, he made a shitty venue sound great - it wasn't too loud, the levels were great, you could hear everything. Baroness also kicked some ass but the setlist BTBAM put on was phenomenal:
Disease, Injury, Madness
Prequel to the Sequel
Fossil Genera - A Feed From Cloud Mountain
Desert of Song
Backwards Marathon

I did want to hear White Walls, but I was still unbelievably impressed by their live performances.