Last Nights show in MA


Jun 22, 2003
Well, I've seen the guys on all 3 trips through this area on the tour and I have to say tonight absolutly took the cake. I'm not a huge Devin Townsend fan but I think it was a great idea for them to tour with him. He's a really cool guy and it's nice to have someone so down to Earth and interactive with the fans there. I'm sure it was great for Symphony X to get exposed to the somewhat mixed bag of fans of Devin as well. It's evident that X is really promoting the hell out of the Odyssey to gain more support in the US and I can't say that I blame them, nor would I complain at all! Half their set list was Odyssey songs, all of which sounded amazing, and the selection was a perfect blend of gorgeous melody with Accolade II and The Odyssey with the powerful, rock out as hard as possible Wicked, Inferno, and King of Terrors. Their set was also a perfect selection for a smaller club, and it was nice to see them let loose and have a semi-casual (which for them still means just short of technically flawless) attitude. What impressed me most was how well they got the Odyssey together. I bet arranging that song for a live setting took just as long as it did to write it in the first place. Not to mention the fact that then you have to practice and get into sync a 20+ minute song so the band is geling on it. Well, it's obvious the band members are complete pros, cause they did so better than I would have ever imagined possible. I know it took huge amounts of work and other bands would have just said 'screw it, that one's too much for a live show'. Well, all their efforts paid off, as that show was one of the best experiences of my life and you could tell the crowd felt much the same way. SO... I don't really have any point to the rant, just still excited from the show I guess and needed an outlet to babble on about how great it was and how impressive these guys are as musicians, professionals, and people. Rock on!

And by the way, coming off of seeing G3 the night before....MJR = the best
I also went to the G3 tour the previous night, all though I enjoyed that very much (eccept for the whole being in boston part), last nights performace by Symphony-x was unbelivable and unforgettable. I was standing just about right infront of Michael during the whole performance, just enough to touch him a few times.I was also right next to the House speaker (Yes, I only have about 40-45% hearing left, and its not comming back very fast, oh well. :erk: .) I actually thought that the sound quality was sub par, it actually sounded like mush to me, couldnt hear the singer at all, and the guitar didnt come thru at all,but its prolly cause I was standing right next to the speaker. At least I can say "I went deaf because of Symphony X"....

Im glad the power didnt go out at all like it did the other 2 times during the first set (god aweful band, it was better with the power OFF) and Devins set once. And what was with the sound mixer guy, he really need to be shot, not to mention the Palladium blows arse. But all in all I didnt care, I got to see God and thats all that matters. :grin:

I hope Michael gets to do the G3 tour sometime, just get rid of Yngwie and that would be one hell of a show.. :)

I was also really quite impressed with Devin, that was the first time I ever heard or seen Him. Great voice, great guitarist and seems to be a all around great guy..he reminded me of like mabie Phish (or that whole Jam band thing) on crack..quite good..
The show was AWESOME. My friend and I were in the front but kinda in the center of it. The p.a. system didn't do sym x justice though. My friend and I liked the opening band. Devin Townsend was pretty good, friend didn't like him though. I'm jealous of the kid that was sung happy birthday by russel and the audience.

Can't wait till they come by again.
ckmike said:
The show was AWESOME. My friend and I were in the front but kinda in the center of it. The p.a. system didn't do sym x justice though. My friend and I liked the opening band. Devin Townsend was pretty good, friend didn't like him though. I'm jealous of the kid that was sung happy birthday by russel and the audience.

Can't wait till they come by again.

If the opening band you're talking about was All That Remains, I heard they were making fun of SyX during the soundcheck, saying shit like "only a kiss can save me from the wizards spell!" That right there makes me lose a ton of respect for them. They should be grateful for SyX to be playing, otherwise their shitty In Flames-wannabe asses wouldn't have a gig.
Yngvai X said:
If the opening band you're talking about was All That Remains, I heard they were making fun of SyX during the soundcheck, saying shit like "only a kiss can save me from the wizards spell!" That right there makes me lose a ton of respect for them. They should be grateful for SyX to be playing, otherwise their shitty In Flames-wannabe asses wouldn't have a gig.

Hmm, I do remember the bassist saying in a whiny making fun of sym x voice "when is symphony x coming on?!?" but I didnt hear that, probably because of the shitty p.a. system. But thanks for telling me, that made me lose respect for them.
hey, iwas directly in front of mike, im the guy annoying him every 5 minutes ;) he gave me his towel in the end, and signed my stuff... who was next to me, my brazilian friends, and someone else also... maybe it was you ROBB M...?

mike is a great person, i have alot of respect for him... and finally, the sound did suck for us in the front FRONT row... but thats because we were in between all 3 sound sources, and had alot of speaker distortion 5 inches from us...

mike was awesome though, and it was amazing that you guy actually took photos of his guitar ON THE FRET BOARD!!!! awhile he was soloing... it was awesome, funnest show of my life... !!!
That first band was way lame, I can't believe they were saying that crap about SX. No one was there to see their crappy band anyway; they should just be thankful they weren't forceably removed from the stage.
Devin is way chill.
and of course, SX Crushed all.
I was there myself, but far right in front of LePond.

The first band All That Remains, has alot of potential, the band themselves are great......I just hate that damn singer, who must think hes a badass with those nipple piercings he had to display.

Although Devin Townsend may be talented, I cannot stand his did absolutely nothing for me, but made me start to get tired. Not my cup of tea.

SX sounded good even for being in the front right for me. Russell is the man, and I loved the new incoporated Rullo fills in a few of the songs. Thank God the power stayed on for X.

BTW I was the dude in the Mystic Prophecy T-Shirt.

Anyone going to the Rhode Island gig next month? I am!
I was at the g3 show then sx show in worcester. Good stuff,,

The first band got shut down with the power. The power went out 2-3 times during their performance,,,CLASSIC.

I was pretty close to the front, toward the right, for the first two bands. I didn't really like the DTB, but I was dripping with sweat. It was friggen hot in there, and there was a no re-entry policy (nowhere to put jacket, sweatshirt as it was like 20 degees with the wind chill, and waiting outside in a shortsleeved shirt is not cool). I wasn't really familiar with any of his stuff, but I did find it amusing when he said something along the lines of: "We're gonna do an instrumental for you now,,,gonna sound pretty wierd with romeo here, but oh well"

For symphony x we moved into the upper deck (which actually turned out to be a better view). Actually, I could only see romeo for most of the time, but I have no problem with that.

I was hoping they'd play accolade 1 as well, but the setlist was pretty nice. Odyssey sounded AWESOME.

btw on the first band,,,the lead singer was pretty irritating, no? He looked like he was a cranky 10 year old.
i was at that show, greta time. Definately did not like the first band. DTB is just way out there and i dont know what to say about him. Sym X took way to long to get set up, something about a backup mike they kept messing with. But their set made the night worthwile, even driving home in 50 mph winds. . My only regret is that i couldnt really see romeo. I could see everyong else but only the head of his guitar. Damn tall people. It was a crazy show and i was standing next to the two biggest X fans their in my opinions. You know who you are jumpy boys.
Wicked Inferno said:
It was a crazy show and i was standing next to the two biggest X fans their in my opinions. You know who you are jumpy boys.

Yeah I was standing next to them also. My god, they had way to much caffeine. They kept on making believe they were michael romeo and playing air guitar. Funny stuff :)
boy am I glad I wasnt the only one who thought the first band sucked royal a$$ I said, they sounded better with the power OFF...

"hey, i was directly in front of mike, im the guy annoying him every 5 minutes he gave me his towel in the end, and signed my stuff... who was next to me, my brazilian friends, and someone else also... maybe it was you ROBB M...?"

Were you the one with the CD and the Pen begging mike for a auto? Or the wild one groping his girlfriend who I just wanted to knee in the nuts? If you were the one with the Cd I was pritty much right in back of you....

......and my hearing is back, w00t!! took 3 days, I love it :p

I still dont think anyone can really touch Vai, but MJR comes in a close 2nd place. IMO...
i was the one with the cd's and pen... i was directly in front of mike and the kids girlfriend was directly behind me... she kept grabbing me man!!! WTF was that... LOL... funny stuff...

great show,