Last Show On Tour - AWESOME, But Now We Wait 2 Years


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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Opeth never ceases to amaze me. This being the fourth time seeing them, they still make me feel like a giddy little kid. They blew me away tonight. It was the best I've heard them - Deliverance and Demon Of The Fall were as potent as ever. Blackwater Park live was incredible.

The sad part was, as Mikael was introducing the encore, he said this will be the last time we see them live for 1.5 to 2 years, as they take some time off, then go to the studio to write a new album.

Now the waiting begins.

Sidenote: Moonspell were OK, but I have no idea why people bash Devildriver. As a live band, they are just plain powerful, in your face, straight forward, attack metal. I was very impressed with their set - so much so I bought their CD (and like it too). I heard no nu-metal from them.
Mid-March will be a year since I've seen them (and a year since I've been to any gig, which is really starting to make me want to go to one), so it's one year down for me. It's a shame nobody every tours Newcastle. But, it's good they're taking time off. I've said a couple of times that they really need to, and deserve it.
Wow - you guys are quick. I thought I would be the first one posting about the Worcester show... Amazing (of course). I waited around for 3 hours in the cold to meet the band. Each one of them signed my BWP booklet (on the picture page). Mikael was funny when he finally came out at 3:45 - he was pretty trashed. He said "last show of the tour - that's my defense!" Whatever man - I shook his hand and he seemed like a pretty down to earth guy. Peter too. The Martins were a little more introverted, but still they took the time to talk with us. Totally worth the wait.