later period Ulver fans...


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
So I recently purchased Perdition City and Themes From William Blake's... and they are AWESOME. Anyhow, any fan of these albums should really check out Future Sound Of London, especially the Lifeforms double-CD. I suppose the best way to categorize them would be as progressive electronica!?!!?!? Their new one sucked though, too poppy.
YES! I knew I would find some FSOL fans here. :spin: Dead Cities is awesome, but Lifeforms is my favorite. The new one... well, I read bad reviews of it and said screw it, it HAS to be good. It really isn't. There are some good moments, but they simplified their structures and added WAY TOO MANY VOCALS!!! Annoying ones! They play a lot of different instruments though, which is cool. It just doesn't stand up to their past works.

By the way, I've seen you around this board several times, and I have to ask you. What is your avatar? I love it, whatever it is!
Originally posted by NAD
YES! I knew I would find some FSOL fans here. :spin: Dead Cities is awesome, but Lifeforms is my favorite.

I have two versions of lifeforms, a double cd asnd a single CD, and I don't know why there are two seemingly different versions of the same album :err: It confuses me :dopey: That said I don't like either as much as Dead Cities :)

The new one... well, I read bad reviews of it and said screw it, it HAS to be good. It really isn't. There are some good moments, but they simplified their structures and added WAY TOO MANY VOCALS!!! Annoying ones! They play a lot of different instruments though, which is cool. It just doesn't stand up to their past works.

Heh, I'll probably end up getting it anyway just out of interest :)

By the way, I've seen you around this board several times, and I have to ask you. What is your avatar? I love it, whatever it is!

Cheers :grin: It's a mixture of a picture from one of Ulver's "Silence" ep's (can't remember which) and Death from a Niel Gaiman comic :)

I'm probably going to be changing it (as well as the sig) for some of my own photos soon tho :)
Ulver and Gaiman... good combination, no wonder I like it! :grin:

Yeah I have that other Lifeforms disc, I thought it was supposed to be a remix album, but it really doesn't sound like it. Variations of a theme perhaps?

Do you have the special edition Dead Cities? The CD is identical, but it comes with a 194-page booklet with their art in it. I found it on ebay once, really cool stuff.

Check it out, here's one now!
Russell: well if you don't like the post-apocalyptic computerized artwork of FSOL normally, I wouldn't get the special edition! It's full of carefully crafted Photoshop artwork put through the wringer in Windows Paint. No seriously, it is. Interesting stuff, but along the same lines as their usual stuff. I love their stuff myself.

falling bird: That song is from Lifeforms, the double-CD. That album is really meant to be experienced as a whole, I thoroughly recommend it to those that like more ambient music. Dead Cities is awesome as well, a little more direct and sometimes more harsh than Lifeforms, but still a lot of ambience. Both are incredible. Don't get the Isness though, it's almost adult contemporary. It happens though, groups can't be perfect all the time. :grin:
I love FSOL, and I love their album ISDN- very organic sounding electronica- and the ISNESS is great - i love the sgt pepper King crimson Indian music leanings, aned the vocals fit quite well.
Originally posted by NAD
falling bird: That song is from Lifeforms, the double-CD. That album is really meant to be experienced as a whole, I thoroughly recommend it to those that like more ambient music. Dead Cities is awesome as well, a little more direct and sometimes more harsh than Lifeforms, but still a lot of ambience. Both are incredible. Don't get the Isness though, it's almost adult contemporary. It happens though, groups can't be perfect all the time. :grin:

Thank you :) Now i'll see if i can get Dead Cities!