latest DVD price?!?

Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
maybe it wasn't worth trouble and money? man, if they don't have money enough to release a good product, then they shouldn't have released it. better no product at all than a bad one. picture like a new fan who only knows 'a fine day to exit'. what is he gonna think of such a crappy DVD huh?

Like I have said, I don't find the quality of the DVD that bad at all and this is our biggest disagreement. There is definetely demend for it even the way it was released. Sure if new fans will check out let's say "Serenades" they will also be disappointed with the productiong songs etc. You have to keep in mind the concert was originally released over 6 years ago on VHS.

i think it's too much bad products [resonance 1 + 2 + dvd] for anathema this year, don't you?

Could you please explain what is bad in Resonance 1&2 compilations ? I am not thrilled about best of compilations but they are "part of the music business". I think fans should be happy to get all those rare tracks on two CDs instead of trying to hunt down Japanese imports etc.
Having not seen anathema prior to the DVD (only seen them live), and having enough trouble just to gain access to their music (their music is not evailable exactly everywhere), I was extremely pleased with the DVD. Having said that I'm not saying that the VHS people got fucked.. I would be proud to have any of the formats...
Oh and agree, From Darkest Eyes is good just not long enough...I'd like to see some of the new songs too..

@mehdi, sorry for interfering but I like the Resonance compilations too. Some of my anathema Cd's are terribly scratched (and i can't play the vinyl without a deck) and i can't afford buying them again soon.. Till then i can listen to them instead...And if you read this, recently i noticed you were listening to Dead Men Dream, so you think you can somehow share your views?
yeah, i think mega is right. if i hadn't had ocassion to download all this 'rare' tracks earlier (if my girlfriend hadn't internet connection) i would have been really very happy with resonance 1&2. anyway, you have always choice... if you don't like it (already heard all this songs) you don't have to buy it, but you have to admit that it's great thing for all this anathemaniacs who wasn't able to hear 'rare' tracks earlier. hope you know what i mean.
yeah i can't deny it's very interesting when it comes to the rare tracks. but what was it supposed to be? a rare tracks collection or a best of compilation? that's a bit confusing for non-fans, isn't it? :confused:

that's what i don't like in these CDs, because some of those rare tracks don't deserve to be on a best of CD. that's a bit ruining anathema's reputation in my opinion.

and for what comes to Dead Men Dream, hmm, well, you have to keep in mind i just got demos. so the sound is a bit weak and it may not be the final version. but what can i say is that the whole thing reminds me a bit of The Blood Divine's 'Mystica' for the somehow 70's influence and the general atmosphere. there are some good riffs, and Daz improved his voice. the whole music is kinda raw in there's no fancy layers and stuff. it looks good, i'm waiting to listen to them with a more decent sound.
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
yeah i can't deny it's very interesting when it comes to the rare tracks. but what was it supposed to be? a rare tracks collection or a best of compilation? that's a bit confusing for non-fans, isn't it? :confused:

that's what i don't like in these CDs, because some of those rare tracks don't deserve to be on a best of CD. that's a bit ruining anathema's reputation in my opinion.

IMO it is a good idea to include rare tracks on best of compilations to serve both old and new fans. Rare tracks would not have filled a whole CD anyway. So it is a bit of both rare tracks and best of collection and I don't think neither old or new fans will like it that confusing. Anathema's style has changed quite a lot even during Peaceville era so fans of new "softer" style of Anathema might be as confused about their old material.

Anathema has so diverse material that releasing two compilations one with more acoustic and mellow stuff and the other one with more aggressive and gloomy stuff is a nice idea.

Keep in mind that the band has its word to say about the tracklist as well.
Resonance 1 has a feeling all of its own. Its a CD you can play as a background, or if you just want to listen to slightly quieter sounds. Its soothing (pity about the last track), relaxing, and has a great ambience about it. You'll return to it many times, when the mood is right.