Latest Mix/Master: Red Seas Fire Video + EP

Gave this a few listens this morning but I'm just not liking it as much as the Exposition EP but I haven't really determined why yet. :/ The vocals definitely feel different on this song than the older stuff so maybe that's it. Looking forward to the release though and it's a good mix for sure.
I will say this is easily the most growl-centric track on the EP; the rest showcase far more cleans and not as much "off time" vocal stuff. I like this song but it works best in context with the others if I'm speaking honestly.
Very cool band. Gotta agree on the kick - not enough bottom.
Listening on: Headphones, trusted boom box
I think the plasticness of the kick people are hearing is actually the trashy glitch drum track that's throughout the whole track. I can't say I agree with the powerless/lack of bottom aspect but the band is happy and that's what matters at the end of the day.