Latest Sales Number for "We've Come for You All"

eighteeschick said:
I'm not sure if this is the right thing or not but it sounds like it could be. FAQs might be able to answer some questions.

The home page says its tracks through the US and Canada, nothing about Europe.

Thanks, eighteeschick!

I'm not really the guy who get's the numbers, I just report what I find out from other people. The person who posted those numbers was someone who knew someone, so he would be able to know more. But that FAQ seems very helpful!
Like everything in life....there is a cost. Most sites just want your unborn 2 headed baby but the nice guys at Soundscan just want what is in your wallet. No, that doesn't mean your unused condom from 1986. They just want your money if you register with the site.
I own the album as well, and I think it's the 2nd best album they did with Bush, next to SOWN. Imo Persistence Of Time is the best Anthrax album. Followed closely by ATL, STD, and SOE. :rock:
johnnieCzech said:
That many? I find it quite hard to believe.

i am sure i saw that figure somewhere lol,and i have def red that the record did better in europe,so if u look at 63,000 records scanned in usa one would think 100,000 aint an unreasonable figure.
Nightwish sold 100,000 copies of theri latest album in Finland. Ha if they can do that in finland anthrax can do 100,000 in europe. Man if anthrax released a new studio album with joey in europe the fans there would eat it up like hotcakes guarantee.
I didn't go to Best Buy or shit like that, I bought it at a local record store (one of my guiding principles) in Mpls, and I think they had to order it; I can't remember well, but I don't think they had it on release day, but I could be wrong. In any case, was it widely available at retailers when it was released?

By the way, I printed off my own copies of the flyer for the Motorhead show they played in Nov 2003 at First Avenue and gave them to some local shops to show. Any Mpls Street Team members?
Taken from soundscan official site:

Who reports sales to Nielsen SoundScan and is there a list of reporting Retailers available?

Nielsen SoundScan collects point-of-sales information from Retail, Mass Merchant, Independent Retail, Internet Retail sites, Venues, Mail Order and Digital Download providers.

Due to confidentiality agreements with our information providers, we cannot supply a list of reporting stores or web sites.Who reports sales to Nielsen SoundScan and is there a list of reporting Retailers available?
Nielsen SoundScan collects point-of-sales information from Retail, Mass Merchant, Independent Retail, Internet Retail sites, Venues, Mail Order and Digital Download providers.

Due to confidentiality agreements with our information providers, we cannot supply a list of reporting stores or web sites.

Someone on the Deth boards knows someone who works for Soundscan or something, and requests numbers for sales for certain bands, then posts them online

PS: I bought WCFYA :rock: