Latest work, local metalcore band

Nice mix, I usually can't stand metalcore, and I actually listened to most of this, so good job. I agree that the kick is a little thin, but I really like the snare. Vocals sounded good too, I thought the harmonies during the clean parts were a nice touch.
the singer sounds sooo close to the guy from atreyu it's ridiculous. mix sounds good. could have more overall punch and i agree with what others have said about the kick. everything sits really well though.
I think the drums (esp snare) could use some more verb but that's probably a matter of personal taste

I also think the bass could use a tad more lows to fill out the mix a little bit more

It's definitely a very clean mix, everything is well defined
I like the gtrs alot. Clean vox could do with some attention. The mix itself is good, I just think the snare could use a little more crack and the kick a little more sub.
Guitars sound awesome, like them a lot!
Snare sounds a bit "soft", but kick is cool. kick could up a bit, vocals are very upfront.
Great mix overall
Thanks for the comments and suggestions guys! I might play around a bit more with the kick and snare and see what I can do, but this project started in April so to be honest I'm getting a little sick of it and want to get it out the door :lol:
wow nice work. and i agree with the others about the kick and snare, and the bass does need a little more umph to it. other than that, this is a very tight mix.
Absolutely love the guitars dude, the clean vocalists tone kind of pisses me off, but thats got nothing to do with you. Only think I could think of to improve on is that the harsh vocals are a tiny bit dry for my tastes. Lovely mix though, as Lasse said, everything sits beautifully.