it was probably just a bad concert then. I went on youtube and i saw 1 or 2 bad ones, but a good amount of good ones. I'm not talking about recording quality though, I'm talking about singin in tune and how much you can hear the singing over the music. Some recordings were EPIC THOUGH!! like one I saw of mountain. Most of the concerts looked like success but 1 or 2 were just bad days. I have not been to one of their concerts yet though, so I plan on going to one when they come back to the states
For those of you who can read german, here´s a live-review by, a german online-metal-magazine :
"Laying Europe To Rest" lautet das Tourmotto, mit dem THEOCRACY derzeit auf Tour sind. Doch was will es uns nach diesem durchwachsenen Auftritt sagen? Sie wollen Europa schlafen legen? Ich weiß es nicht. Auch die Ursache für den Auftritt zu finden, fällt schwer. Manchmal war der Sound hervorragend, manchmal katastrophal. Stellenweise verstand man den Sänger, manchmal war er kaum zu vernehmen; schlimmer noch: Diverse Male lag er auch kräftig neben der Spur. Ob das an mangelnden Proben oder schlechten Monitoreinstellungen lag, kann man sich kaum ausmalen. Aber insgesammt konnten THEOCRACY nicht überzeugen. Gerade mit SINBREED, INFINITE HORIZON und LIGHTMARE hatte man heute schon Besseres erlebt. Schade, denn die Amis hatten in ihren Songs einige coole Ideen am Start - aber an der Vermittlung scheiterten sie. Dem Vernehmen nach haben sie sich aber im Vergleich zu ihrem Warm-Up-Gig gestern deutlich gesteigert, so dass für die Besucher der restlichen Tour noch Hoffnung besteht, ein deutlich besseres Konzert als hier auf dem Metalfest zu erleben.
Writing In The Sand
Serpertis Kiss / Martyr
Laying The Demon To Rest
New Jerusalem
Mirror Of Souls Part III
I´m glad i was not hallucinating. It says more or less what i wrote before...
I´ve been to the Show in Friedewald and i have to was terrible. Theocracy had by far the worst sound of the evening, drums were much too loud, you couldn´t figure out any solos or guitar was just bad. And when Matt´s singing (which wasn´t loud enough most of the time) totally disappeared from time to time(there must have been something wrong with his microphone) the guy at the mixer didn´t realise or even wasn´t there !

But to be honest : It´s not only the sound-guys fault. While you have a playback for the Synthies, ever thought about a playback for some choirs or harmonies? I REALLY don´t wanna offend someone, but the background vocals were often off-key. i know, at least it´s live and i remember how much i hated seeing rhapsody playing "live" were you couldn´t say what was live and what was playback. I think there are pros and cons. Even Matt´s singing wasn´t always that "clean". Maybe he didn´t hear himself loud enough? Whatever it was, it was not your evening :-(

Don´t get me wrong.I still love Theocracy and can´t wait for the next album. I just really was disappointed, cause i drove a long way just to see you guys play. Okay, i was also curious for sinbreed, which was really fantastic. Herbie Langhans is such a great singer who sound always a bit like Kiske when he sings live. On CD his voice is more rough...

That´s all for now. I hope you´re not angry about what i wrote.

Greetings from Germany ! TB

The first two shows we did in Germany were rather rough. We had problems both nights as far as the monitors, lack of hearing each other, and other issues. We did the best we could with the equipment that was PROVIDED. We discussed the vocals and how hard it was to hear each other on stage explaining the off key times with the harmonies and other things. We're very sorry that you drove far to see us and were disappointed. I wish that it could have turned out better than what it was. I do thank you for the honesty though, and we will try to improve these issues in the future. I speak on behalf of ALL Theocracy members when I say it was simply just an off night for the sound.

Hope to see you again Tom! \m/
I must say though, that the rest of the tour was fantastic and I thank each and every person for supporting Theocracy. Whether it's beside the stage or all over the world, and for everyone that made this tour possible. The tour was an experience that we will never forget. We had a rough couple nights at start at the tour but it was still an awesome opportunity to meet far away fans and have fun either way performing for you guys! I personally had an amazing time! Thanks again! \m/
For those of you who can read german, here´s a live-review by, a german online-metal-magazine :

I´m glad i was not hallucinating. It says more or less what i wrote before...

For anyone who wished to read the article but couldn't speak German, my cousin translated it:

Here's what she said:

Wow. This article isn't pulling any punches. It basically says this (I'm taking some liberties here to avoid explaining colloquial phrases):

"Laying Europe To Rest" is the tour-slogan that THEOCRACY is using for their tour. But what did they mean to say with this confused performance? They want to put Europe to sleep? I don't know. Sometimes the sound was excellent, sometimes catastrophic. Here and there one could understand the lead singer, and sometimes you barely registered his existence; even worse: every now and then he was seriously off-track. You could hardly paint yourself a picture if this was because of a lack of rehearsals or because of bad monitor settings. But all in all, THEOCRACY failed to convince. Especially with SINBREED, INFINITE HORIZON and LIGHTMARE, we've experienced considerably better alternatives. It's too bad, because the Americans had some cool ideas in their songs in the beginning - but they failed to relate that. The word is that, in comparison to their warm-up gig yesterday, they've greatly improved, so that there is hope that the visitors of the rest of the tour will be able to experience a markedly better concert than here at the Metalfest.
Hope to see you again Tom! m/

OH...You will !!! When you´re back in Europe i´ll be there ;-)
And it really looks like Rock without limits had a totally different atmosphere than the Metalfest, where i really wondered, why there weren´t more people around...

What i would like to know : What bands did you listen to at Metalfest and Rock without limits. Anything you really liked, or anything you didn´t like at all ??? I´m curious !
OH...You will !!! When you´re back in Europe i´ll be there ;-)
And it really looks like Rock without limits had a totally different atmosphere than the Metalfest, where i really wondered, why there weren´t more people around...

What i would like to know : What bands did you listen to at Metalfest and Rock without limits. Anything you really liked, or anything you didn´t like at all ??? I´m curious !

I listen to a wide range of genres so I enjoyed playing with just about everyone that we played with.
I must say though, that the rest of the tour was fantastic and I thank each and every person for supporting Theocracy. Whether it's beside the stage or all over the world, and for everyone that made this tour possible. The tour was an experience that we will never forget. We had a rough couple nights at start at the tour but it was still an awesome opportunity to meet far away fans and have fun either way performing for you guys! I personally had an amazing time! Thanks again! m/

I had a great time with you guys too! Next time bring some Moonshine! :kickass:
Wow, sounds like Rock Without Limits was an awesome time. Was just looking at this on the website guestbook-

ramountee said:
A message from the south of France. In spite of many ...**???!!!**... on the road, we’ve been coming to Rock Without Limits, last week. We’re happy to know you thanks to this festival ; it’s been really great to see you live. Your show was EXCEPTIONAL ! Thanks for coming in Europe. I hope you’ll be back soon. You are great.
Keep up the good work ; God bless you all.

This video makes me wish I could have been there! -

I saw this comment on the guestbook too. Hope it works out for you guys and Masters of Rock!

Peter said:
Hi Matt, nice to meet you yesterday in Hradec Kralove. Thank you for a talk.. Your music is very impressive with notable lyrics.. I told you about Masters of Rock Festival in Vizovice.. It´s big opportunity for 30000 Czech people to see Theocracy performance. Tonight I will write a message to festival organizer to persuade them to invite you... Thank you we met, thank you for a fantastic show.. God bless you... Petr
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WHAT??? 30,000 people?? OMG!! THAT is such a HUGE opportunity! If you guys do that you might get recognized and become a hit. :rock::rock:
I know! This might change yall (thats how we say it down south YALL) guy's popularity. :rock::rock:

Being from Georgia, I'm pretty sure they know what y'all means =P

either way, here's to hoping that y'all get to play in that show:rock: