Layout and positioning of monitors & Triple display


Oct 21, 2011
Bedroom warrior here I guess. Have long since salivated over getting a triple display setup that's friendly when it comes to speaker placement. Before, I was working with my speakers on stands rising above my displays until I got this current mount in. I went for a upside-down triangle display placement (to retain better speaker placement) but I'm finding myself yearning for full triple display panorama :kickass: For gaming & all :P

With the current setup, speakers are more or less in a perfect triangle to the listening position. Straight-on photo is taken at eye level.

I'm thinking if I went for a full horizontal triple mount for the displays, I can have them raised above the monitors (much like the top two pictured are positioned.)

But I'm concerned with neck strain! I have considered using my old speaker stands and using the mopads I have to angle them down (if I go with the displays on the bottom row instead) but it won't be a straight-to-my-ear deal.

I noticed with most workstation desks, alot of the second tier surfaces on a desk are quite tall. Usually I see displays & speaker monitors placed on them so I'm wondering if maybe display height comparative to the listener/viewer isn't that big a deal after all.

Looking for input on placement options, if I'm wiggin out for no good reason. I don't work in a treated room and I've never mixed in one, so maybe I'm just wasting my time. >_> And most pics showing a variety of speaker monitors usually don't have them in a equilateral triangle to the listening position anyways. meh
Do you need the screens to be continuous, as seamless possible? If not, and since you've already got your speakers right next the main display, what about going Screen|Speaker|Screen|Speaker|Screen on one horizontal plane? Angle the two outer screens in a bit, and then set the various bits of your DAW up to behave as separate windows if possible. You could (Reaper can do this, I assume others can too) have the mixer maximized on one window, tracking view on the second, and whatever cat/anime/porn/anime-cat-porn video you're watching to avoid doing work on the third, with the speakers serving as a natural break between the windows.

Also, as I recently had to downsize from two monitors to one, I hate you with every fiber of my being.
You could get some form of stands that allow you to place the speakers above the monitors and just angle them down, I've seen that plenty of times.
I don't know how anyone can play games on more than 1 screen. My roommate has 3 screen setup and video games just look retarded to me.

Ya know what... I can see where you're coming from after mulling over it a bit more. tbh with the current inverted triangle config I have now, I'm getting much more use in terms of productivity as it is work oriented. Having the mixer panel stretched across the top two displays in addition to multiple plugin windows in plain view kinda beats a straight horizontal view that ends up lacking symmetry for a DAW's layout and requiring me to glance left or right versus just a slight up/down. If I do decide to do the display setup like I want, it really ought to be at a different pc rather than my "workstation". I can't agree tho that it's completely worthless or a gimmick for games ;)

It would be different if I intended to go portrait mode across three displays (but I'd HAVE to go debezeled...) or if I was even remotely interested in flight sims or racing games. A triple display of one single monitor model is one of those things that I spent years dreaming of having. Sorta the same when I finally got around to getting a DSLR, for years I just used shitty little point&shoot cams. As far as as any game is concerned tho I'm not sure of any cards that can drive 3 1440p displays in-game at a decent framerate without being paired with another card... But in recent years I've thought less of getting three displays for gaming, and more for having them for work/school/etc.

Also, as I recently had to downsize from two monitors to one, I hate you with every fiber of my being.

Hahah I understand xD
What blows is buying into those reference 290 cards for this exact purpose (had a backend amount I was putting away for a while til I could buy into the next-gen of cards & order three monitors all at once). But its hdmi output went kaput only to return it not realizing it had since been discontinued. Then around the corner all that coin mining nonsense driving prices up. So I ended up with a refund for a card that had since doubled in price (for used no less!) :mad:

The Display/Speaker/Display/Speaker/Display setup isn't viable atm (desk space) and I run into the problem again if ever I choose to expand my options as far as additional speakers. Course I guess I could venture to using the stands again.

And yup, reaper is lovely over the current configuration! Only bummer is I'm stuck with 1080 on the bottom panel while running on my old backup cards.

If I ever venture into analog, desk space again becomes an issue (apart from floor racks).

I think I'm settling down now ;) I really ought to focus more on my DIY desk hahah
Fuck yeah DS9! :D Sorry, that's all I've got haha, still only have room for one display :(

Don't get too excited - the standard test of quality for DS9 episodes is Bald Sisko > Sisko with hair and goatee > Sisko with hair, so he's probably not watching anything special.