Lazare's vocals.

You can say that again, I got so excited when they finally put something on their site with that "vote for Solefald for the Alarm award" screen, but now that's gone and it's back to loading to nothing.... :(
Yea it's annoying, he hasn't updated it since March 10th! You'd think he would have at least made an update to announce the new Sturmgeist album is coming out June 19th!
karpsmom said:
If Mr. V and Lazare both sang lead vocals and really did a lot of harmonies together the band would be a powerhouse of soaring epic vocals! It would be heaven! It feels like such a crime to have two of the best voices in all of metal in a band together and not have the two of them singing more as a duo rather than a leader and a back-up singer.

that might be overkill.
karpsmom: could you also confirm that it's Lazare doing the 'White man came from across the sea...' part in Neonism's Backpacka baba? My friend thinks it's Cornelius.
i always thought that the spoken parts of that song were done by cornelius while lazare is singing the higher parts... but now i don't know what to think :E.... CURSE YOU GUYS!!!!
Azzor1911 said:
karpsmom: could you also confirm that it's Lazare doing the 'White man came from across the sea...' part in Neonism's Backpacka baba? My friend thinks it's Cornelius.

Your friend was right :erk: , if you don't believe me, email Cornelius or Lazare, they'll confirm it for you.
Sure, there's plenty of Solefald and Borknagar trivia to impress him with. For example, did you know that Quintessence was actually recorded in a cave that's in a mountainside? Now, you'd think that it would make it sound awful, being in such a reflective environment and out in the elements, but the mix of music and location was just so damned epic that it gave the recording the clarity to make it sound the way it does. In fact, had it been recorded in a studio, the building would have exploded.

The problem is, nobody would have believed that, given recording technology of the time, so they had to say it was recorded in a studio.