Learn Bodom song and more


New Metal Member
Oct 12, 2009
Hey guys,
I'm French and i've created a video learning website for Death melodic metal songs especially Children of bodom songs.
The website is at his beginning, so only few songs are uploaded.
We need your cooperation into develop our website.
Thanks a lot,
and Hate Crew for ever...

I was expecting your playing to suck but you're actually really good. Keep it up. Can I make a request?

The solo at 2:30-3:00!

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I like it, you should do some technical stuff too, necrophagist like. Just a sugggestion, I'm loving the stuff though, good lick with it all.
First of all, thanks for all your comments !

At jOtun : i'm the keyboardist so i could ask my partner for your request...
And one positive point, he really likes Skyfire ^^

At XxSNAPxX : You can send a request of a song like jOtun.
And don't forget, Keyboard requests are accepted too.
( i speak french because i m shit in english ) je trouve le concepte trés intéréssent mais je pence vous devrier mettre la tab enfin de video si possible
:) ( petite question perso : combien de temps avant de joué aussi bien ??? et aussi vous avez apprit tout seul? que pour cob c est un peut bocoup dur :) )
et hui je ne suis pas un guitariste avancé ^^ mais j aimeré le devenir :)

je me demande encore avez vous un groupe ??? que vous roxer !!!!:kickass:

( désoler d avoir été un peut chiant )

Bah moi personnellement je joue du piano depuis que j'ai 9 ans mais je me suis converti au synthé il y a 3 ans.
Mon pote gratteux lui il doit faire de la gratt depuis 4 ans par la, avec un bon rythme j'aime autant te dire...^^
Et COB en effet que c'est dur mais c'est tellement bon à jouer qu'on pourrait passer beaucoup temps à s'entrainer avec acharnement(comme on la si bien fait).

Sinon oui on a chacun notre groupe respectif(et non on es pas dans le même).

Et si tu veux plus de conseils notamment dans les techniques utilisées tu peux toujours nous demander. En plus des vidéos sur le site.
Holy shit I just watched your Living Dead Beat keayboard vid, when you're playing the fast one your right thumb is doing amazing bends and twitches :lol:
Nice site btw.
Arcane, tell me which songs are wrong.That may be a good help.
And for example, Everytime I Die guitar solo is extract from a live.
Ok, I've only checked the 2 LDB solos and the one for ETID.
LDB key solo: you missed some e-notes and you used wrong notes at around 0:17-0:18
LDB guitar solo: you made a few mistakes in the sweeping part. it sounds good but this is not what Alexi plays
ETID: you should mention that this is from a live song because otherwise it would confuse people cause this only 50% of what it should be from the album version (from which live version is this)
petite question , je posséde guitar pro , j ésaille d aprendre "hell is for children"mais il y a des note en A.H , a quoi cela signifie et comment doi-je faire pour joué en A.H ???
merci pour le lien , puis c été pour savoir ce que c été en général puisque je constate que alexi en utilise pas mal ( notament dans angel don't kill ):)

ps : c est galére a faire :cry:
I think it's great. But it looks like you still have a lot of work to do.

The first thing I would suggest is that it's not enough to just show a video of the solo being played. You should offer advice on finger positioning, picking technique, the best ways to learn the sections of the solos, etc, etc. For example, for myself, concerning the keyboard videos, I know nothing of proper keyboard technique, so it would be great to know the best ways to postion your hands and fingers to make sure you can get around the keys in the most efficient way possible. Because if the people watching the videos are good enough players to know these things already, then they probably don't need you to show them how to play the solos, you know? =)

My requests: Stuff from Darkest Hour, when Kris Norris was in the band.