Learnin from Iraq


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
So a bunch of Osama lovers in that fuckin Black Hawn Down dump called Mogadishu just ran for their lives after Ethiopian troops shelled the fuckin shit out of them during the last few days.

Ethiopia had enough of them! They had a weapon of mass destruction called militant Islam, and they weren't gonna put up with that shit any more!

So they invaded Somalia, pulling along a weak, democratic government that hasn't had a chance thanks to the Osama lovers.

Here's the lesson they learned:

Ethiopia's prime minister said, "Our mission in Somalia is very very limited... we are not there to reconstruct Somalia economically, politically or otherwise. We are there to remove the threat of the Islamic Courts militia on Somalia and Ethiopia."

In other words, they went in to FUCK UP SOME SHIT, and they're gonna leave! They're not gonna clean up the mess they made! That's up to the dirty dogs they've liberated from the militant Islamists.

They learned from Iraq, and they told everyone: "We're fuckin em up and splittin!"

Fuckin A!

Naturally, the UN and useless African Union and Islamic organisations all "condemn" the invasion of Somalia, and demand a cease-fire... as usual! Those whining bastards always want the Osamas of the world to escape justice and be allowed to torture people at a later date.

But Ethiopia said, "Fuck you, man! Fuck you!" and they are finishing off the enemy even as I speak, taking out a bunch of civilians in the process, blowing up houses left and right, and NOT apologizing for it... or insisting they will rebuild at taxpayer expense.

That's because they are at WAR with the country they're invading, even though they're supporting the rightful government.

Muthafuckin WAR!

Looks like they learned a good lesson from Iraq. I'm glad somebody did!

So a bunch of Osama lovers in that fuckin Black Hawn Down dump called Mogadishu just ran for their lives after Ethiopian troops shelled the fuckin shit out of them during the last few days.

Ethiopia had enough of them! They had a weapon of mass destruction called militant Islam, and they weren't gonna put up with that shit any more!

So they invaded Somalia, pulling along a weak, democratic government that hasn't had a chance thanks to the Osama lovers.

Here's the lesson they learned:

Ethiopia's prime minister said, "Our mission in Somalia is very very limited... we are not there to reconstruct Somalia economically, politically or otherwise. We are there to remove the threat of the Islamic Courts militia on Somalia and Ethiopia."

In other words, they went in to FUCK UP SOME SHIT, and they're gonna leave! They're not gonna clean up the mess they made! That's up to the dirty dogs they've liberated from the militant Islamists.

They learned from Iraq, and they told everyone: "We're fuckin em up and splittin!"

Fuckin A!

Naturally, the UN and useless African Union and Islamic organisations all "condemn" the invasion of Somalia, and demand a cease-fire... as usual! Those whining bastards always want the Osamas of the world to escape justice and be allowed to torture people at a later date.

But Ethiopia said, "Fuck you, man! Fuck you!" and they are finishing off the enemy even as I speak, taking out a bunch of civilians in the process, blowing up houses left and right, and NOT apologizing for it... or insisting they will rebuild at taxpayer expense.

That's because they are at WAR with the country they're invading, even though they're supporting the rightful government.

Muthafuckin WAR!

Looks like they learned a good lesson from Iraq. I'm glad somebody did!


I've been saying that from day one. Fucking pwn everyone and leave it to the people to rebuild. Sounds fucked up? WELL MAYBE THEY SHOULD'VE OUSTED SADDAM BY THEMSELVES, HUH? Dying for Islam...only when it suits you personally, huh? Nevermind a revolution of millions against a brutal dictator and his cronies...WE'VE GOT TELEVISIONS!!! IT'S NOT GREAT, BUT AS LONG AS I DON'T WATCH WESTERN TELEVISION, I WON'T GET THROWN IN PRISON AND TORTURED!!!!

I said it before and I'll say it again: fuck the Iraqis.
Seems Ethiopia learned some lessons from their 1998-2000 war with Somalia where they got whooped. 125,000 troops dead, almost 500,000 wounded/captured. And then they didnt even take a town I don't think.
Seems Ethiopia learned some lessons from their 1998-2000 war with Somalia where they got whooped. 125,000 troops dead, almost 500,000 wounded/captured. And then they didnt even take a town I don't think.

You're thinking of the great War of the Horn, between Ethiopia and Eritrea for a shit shack in the middle of the desert. That war was fuckin nuts! It was World War I shit, complete with trenches, grenade throwing, shell shock, and big piles of corpses.

Ethiopia finally "won" that shit by throwing 100 tanks over the trenches in one spot, World War II style.

But the UN didn't like it, so they arranged a cease fire.

Now, Eritrea's been sending weapons and maybe troops to help the fuckin Osama lovers in Somalia. Sort of a proxy war.

"War of the Horn II: Starvin' Marvin Goes to Battle!"

As long as we're asking...Who is that in your Avatar Jurched?

there was some cat a couple of years ago that tried to get across the Canadian border [coming this way, i think] that had just butchered somebody.
he was covered in blood and had weapons with him and they just let him come on in.

i'm a little hazy on the details, but that guy looks like the guy i'm talking about.
Jurched i read up about yours...HOLY SHIT what an embarassment to be a border guard to deal with that case.
Of course! That's the highest compliment a married fellow such as I can get away with before the little wife with the Soviet judo training investigates her husband's intentions with bare hands and a butter knife! :oops:


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Jurched i read up about yours...HOLY SHIT what an embarassment to be a border guard to deal with that case.

I second that. Holy crap! I mean, living in Upstate New York, I have traversed the US/Canadian border after attending the Canadian Ballet quite a few times. I'm worried about them smelling booze and busting our balls. If I had known what you could get away with, I probably would have been a lot less worried.
Seen it, awesome.

Did you know that every time the howitzer from the gunship is fired that the recoil displaces the entire aircraft 6 feet? A good friend of mine used to be a gunner on a gunship before he crossed over to our career field and he had some really interesting stories. The Gatling gun on them spits out enough bullets to blanket an entire football field every second.

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