Learning the guitar

It took me 3 times before I found a bass teacher I liked and would do any homework for.
This teacher in 3/4hr would teach me one or two scales,teach me how to read and interpret both atbulature and sheet music.Teach me new parts of a song either by tabs or cd.Would not let me progress further each week unless I came to next lesson close to perfect on what he taught me previous week. At the same time not giving me a hard time if it was obvious I had not practiced enough.He would just say your the only one who holds yourself back or progresses yourself forward.If you don't practice you waste your money and time on the lesson,I don't care about that as I still get to play and get payed for it.I stayed with that teacher for 6 months when at that point he told me to stop wasting my money as I had been taught all I needed to know and to just keep practising everything he had taught me and make sure I keep learning more songs and to start playing and writing my own stuff or you will get bored and let the bass gather dust.
He was right I did go on learning more songs for a while and made up a few songs.But I got distracted by stupid things,practiced less and less till the thing bored the shit out of me and gathered a thick layer of dust.
So Spiff unless you can give up your current attitude towards lessons and scales etc sell the guitar and don't moan about not being able to play.