
Turkey fucking sucks. The dryest, most tasteless white meat I've ever seen.

Edit: Leftover chinese is the best thing to ever happen to food.
When I don't finish my coffee because I need to go somewhere or something I just put it in the microwave when I return. It loses some of it's aroma but I don't care. Well it's not good or anything but fuck that.
What a stupid fucking topic.

That said, I've oddly found that some homemade foods are better as leftovers than fresh. I guess when you have sauce/seasoning in the dish it gets a chance to marinate in the fridge. My mom's curried chicken has pretty much always better the second day.
Turkey is only dry if you can't cook it right,which is the same problem with dry chicken usually. Overcooked Turkey suck's, but moist and perfectly seasoned Turkey is delicious
Yall herd ruht. Mmm-guh


maybe get sum of dem mashed taters mmm hmmm