

New Metal Member
May 17, 2004
I recently bought a DVD of a movie to what I think has the best Screenplay, Storyline and Acting. It was made in 1986, it never came to my town back then but I watched it 2 years following. This movie is called LEGEND . The Costume that Tim Curry wears is fucking unbelievable. The horns are sturdy, make-up is ungodly. I love this for 1 reason only... COMPUTERS did not make this movie. Which makes it better. If it was Computer Generated it would be another Hellboy lame ass Money Flick. I love this Movie with a passion and the costume that Tim Curry wears even more.

Please post your Opinions.

:post Script: The reason I posted this on "OPETH" is because Legend has a lot to do with nature...As does Opeth.

"I am darkness" :Smug:
i remember that movie. tom cruise was starting to get really big around that time but i dont remember how he was received in that role. if i remember correctly it wasnt that popular because it was in the fantasy genre. back in the 80s, fantasy wasnt as cool as say, the lord of the rings is now.
strange that you mention it though because ive been thinking about it. maybe because that stupid hellboy movie cued up some images of the tim curry costume.
Legend is one of the greatest movies ever created. Tom Cruise is the fucking man as Jack. Everything about the movie just kicks so much ass its hard to pinpoint the best parts, but Tim Curry as the Demon.... can you get anymore evil than that? His voice is like the beginning of Demon of the Fall at all times. Incredible movie, and you made my day by creating this thread.
Shroud: is there any irony, sarcasm, or facetiousness in your post (see the bloodbath thread)? if not, why call someones thread "crap"? why did you even bother checking out the thread? no wonder people stop posting here.
"any irony, sarcasm, or facetiousness" in my posts are usualy hard to pick. I prefer the dryness where no-one is realy sure if I'm serious or not. This time around, I think this thread would have been much better off in the off topic section.
Also, what exactly are you refering to on my posts in the bloodbath thread?
heh. i like your next to last post. got a smile from that one.
i wasnt referring directly to any of your posts. i just remember someone bitching about "irony, sarcasm, and facetiousness" and i remember seeing you there and i thought youd know what i was talking about......
so SHE says. i was just catching up on "why do opeth fans get a bad rap" and i suddenly realized why you said what you did here. i take back my criticism and i implore you to say more stuff to make me laugh. my current faves are "...an idiot of greater proportions" and "would you chill the fuck out?" seriously, your posts are the funniest thing ive read all day......

vindicate: sorry i called you a "guy". i forgot who started the thread when i wrote that.
The green swamp goblin in Legend is easily one of the creepiest, scariest creatures ever put on screen in fantasy, sci-fi or horror. It still chills me to the bones to this day. Very imaginative movie, visually. Worth a viewing every couple months.
Off Topic, all about nature? lol, 90% Of the MOVIE was filmed in a fucking Forrest. I Post here cause I Think of Opeth During a lot of the scenes. 90% of Opeth's Lyrics consist of something to do with NATURE. Come to think of it, I have never seen you type a POSITIVE post.

ShroudOfDusk...You really need to get the fuck outside, Your Persona is pathetic and an embarrassment to yourself, family and people to know.
uh, anyway, i have always liked that movie.
esp great are the costumes and set design. love the dress that lily wears during her transformation into that devil guy's mistress.
What about a thread with tips on growing strawberries ? I mean.. they grow in the forest too, and Opeth uses imagery regarding forests. I definitely see a link there.
dorian gray said:
i remember that movie. tom cruise was starting to get really big around that time but i dont remember how he was received in that role. if i remember correctly it wasnt that popular because it was in the fantasy genre. back in the 80s, fantasy wasnt as cool as say, the lord of the rings is now.
strange that you mention it though because ive been thinking about it. maybe because that stupid hellboy movie cued up some images of the tim curry costume.

Actually, the 70s and 80s was the cinema "fantasy" boom period.

Willow, sword and the sorcerer, dragonslayer, conan, krull, legend, wizards, star wars, princess bride, labyrinth, dark crystal, black cauldron, last unicorn, master's of the universe, etc

Fantasy films was one of the driving forces for youth targeted cinema in that time period. Lord of the rings now is actually the minority...unless you count all these comic book to movie adaptions. :erk:
grey and pink: i dont think ive ever been more thoroughly corrected. well done. im starting to question my sanity as i saw everyone of those movies and yet i didnt remember them when i wrote that post.

vindicate: i was on your side at the beginning but now i realize why shroud cant stand you.