More April Fool's Stuff - Legend of Zelda movie trailer

I put Link to the Past and Super Metroid up as the two best games for the 16-bit era. Super Metroid's Crocomire coming out of the lava was the only time I've ever been truly scared or startled by a video game. A real slasher thriller movie moment!

Super Metroid, what an amazing game. 100% agree with those being the two best SNES games. I also loved SimCity and Vegas Stakes.
Yeah, but like Biggs said... it was about how long it took to beat Zelda and Metroid, that made them great. I'm a tedious gamer, I wanna make sure no stone is left unturned. So for me, my games last a hella long time. These two games in particular, were so satisfying after all those hours of playing.

Ocarina of Time in particular, took me sooo damn long to beat. And the best, the very BEST part... the ending of the game was huge! After beating Ganon it took so long for the credits to finally end. So satisfying, to get that big of a reward after beating the game.

Worst thing you could ever experience as a gamer is, "WHAT? That's it? That's all you get for beating this game???" Zelda has never disappointed me.